Signs of schizophrenia - we understand the symptoms of the disease


Signs of schizophrenia & mdash; We understand the symptoms of the diseaseOur psyche and brain possibilities have not been studied to the end. Therefore, we often encounter diseases, the emergence of which also not found explanation. One of these aids is schizophrenia. Some scientists believe that the protective functions of the body are included in this way, when a person, his psyche, are not able to cope with the situation or regulations. He «goes away» In other measurement, perceiving the world around and reality distorted. This pathology violates the unity of consciousness, breaking it and splitting.

Schizophrenia is considered a severe mental pathology that can manifest itself at any age — without any reasons. In adolescence, a child learns the world with interest, trying to socialize and adapt. If problems are arising in this regard, it can provoke the development of schizophrenia. Intensive smoking, alcohol, drugs, long-term loneliness can provoke the beginning of the disease.

Children's schizophrenia is not very different from the manifestations of the disease in adults. But there may be serious problems with early diagnosis of pathology. At an early age, signs of illness can be false or symptoms will wear a non-lass. To understand what happens to a person, you should carefully watch him: for his behavior, interests, work, reasoning, dreams. If a person does not quite a common lifestyle, has no dislike of other worldview and incomprehensible hobbies, does not mean that he has a mental disorder. Especially when with all this it is successful in life and perfectly adapted. Evaluated a painful state not by a separately taken feature, but consider them all in the complex. This allows you to create a more objective picture of the possible start of schizophrenia.

In the treatment of the disease, it is impossible to achieve complete recovery, it is chronic. However, you can smooth out some symptoms and achieve persistent and long-term remissions.

Schizophrenia disease: beginning, signs and symptoms

The disease has a sufficient number of different forms of manifestation, each of which has one or another symptomatology, expressed in varying degrees. But any form of schizophrenia (if it does not start treatment in time) leads to a gradual and irreversible deformation of the psyche and the patient's personality, the clinical symptoms are brighter and brighter. The causes of the occurrence of how already mentioned, no, but there are factors contributing to the development of the disease:

  • heredity;
  • Nervous stress — Single strong or long stressful state;
  • brain injuries;
  • Genetic transformation.

Schizophrenia disease: beginning, signs and symptomsIf the symptoms last about half a year, they are not talking about the disease, but about the presence of a schiz-like state. The first signs of schizophrenia begin to manifest themselves before the occurrence of the disease. This is the so-called prudent set of symptoms, which allows diagnosing the disease before its characteristic manifestations. They look like gradual social isolation and density. Neurotic manifestations appear, disorders of emotions (irritability, aggressiveness, depression, dislike to all around). Beginning against the background of this psychosis gives reason to assume the beginning of schizophrenia.

When schizophrenia, the disorder proceeds or continuously. The bakery form has a non-permanent character, and in the sickness the patient feels a full-fledged person. However, the attacks are very intense, psychosis bright and saturated. The continuous form has a chronic course, sometimes even not allowing the fleeting glimpses of the patient's clear consciousness. As a rule, the patient is not critical to his actions and does not agree that it is sick, but with sluggish schizophrenia, 90% of patients are aware that changes have occurred in their psyche.

Schizophrenia has signs diverse, but the main features are the same. The symptoms of the disease directly depends on the form of the disease and is divided into:

  • Productive — These are events that are not in reality, what is created by the Consciousness of the Patient: Hallucinations (more often auditory) and nonsense in the form of mania;
  • Negative — Disorders of emotions, communications, violation of will.

The diagnosis of schizophrenia ruffles all obstacles between concepts «I» and «not me», Mixing what is happening inside the person and outside, washing the boundaries of real and fictional. It is interesting to note that schizophrenic patients are very strong and hardy physically. They are able to withstand «drums» Insulin doses of 80 units are not overcooked, cold and any viruses them bypass them, and children born from schizophrenia patient are endowed with a high level of intelligence.

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