For varicosis there is no seasonality - he manifest itself at any time of the year. But it was in the summer of Varicosis and swelling of the legs turns into a serious problem.
Summer Varicose gives the greatest number of complications, forcing more attention to the legs and health in general: the summer heat itself lowers the tone of the veins, without hiding the pictures of venous «starfish».
If you find that the legs get tired or swelling more, consult a specialist.
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On holiday. Tips of our doctors of phlebogogov.
Spend vacation on the river shore or by the sea. In the morning and in the evening, when not too hot, go barefoot on the grass, sand, pebbles, the edge of the surf.
Do not abuse the tan and spend more time in the shadows: the heat acts on the vein destructively, ultraviolet rays reduce the elasticity of the tissues and venous walls, and the golden tan will not be able to disguise the blue capillary mesh.
Processing footsters, legs and hips every day by means that strengthen veins tone and their resistance to adverse effects — Toning gel, spray or leg cream, which can be chosen in a pharmacy without a recipe.
Use a contrast foot shower.
Tips for airfare.
- In the economy class, occupy space near the passage where there is an opportunity to pull the legs.
- Try every half an hour to knead the legs and change their position.
- Wear comfortable free shoes without heels.
- Try not to fall asleep in an uncomfortable posture
- Drink more fluid (water, juice, tea with lemon)
- Aspirin tablet before the flight helps to avoid the occurrence of blood clots.