Hidden diabetes


  • Catch the first signs
  • Closing eyes...
  • Be carefull!

    Hidden diabetesCatch the first signs

    None in Russia, nor in other countries does not conduct high-speed surveys of all children on diabetes mellitus. So it is so important not to miss his first symptoms. Parents should be especially vigilant, one of which is sick with diabetes. Statistics argue that in 50 cases from 100 they have a sick child. This kid is necessary every three months to donate blood on the glycated hemoglobin. This analysis allows you to identify the predisposition to diabetes long before the appearance of clinical signs. In the usual blood tests and urine, the level of sugar rises only in the midst of the disease.

    Closing eyes...

    Diabetes can long flow in a hidden form, and in all its glory appears after a viral infection or nervous disorder. But even then, parents often do not notice anything, and all sorts of innocuous explanations are revealed by the changes taking place with their Chad.

    Thirst write off the heat, running or salty chips, wolf appetite - to active growth. And abundant urination and remains without attention. It is considered to be a normal phenomenon, and older children simply do not notice it. And only when the kids begin to ask for a toilet even at night and, despite the diverse appetite, do not get better, and lose weight, parents lead them to a doctor.

    Be carefull!

    If you notice alarming signs from your child, look into his mouth. Language when diabetes dry and color resembles ham. In the launched cases, it smells like acetone or kefir. Inspect the underwear of the child, it can be selected from the genitals, because sweet urine is an excellent environment for microbes. Diaper and diapers The baby becomes tough from sugar, as if starch.

    A child with hidden diabetes at any time can develop a diabetic coma. A sudden decrease in blood sugar levels is accompanied by excitation, shiver, aggressiveness and rapid loss of consciousness. On the contrary, a coma caused by a high level of sugar develops slowly. The kid constantly wants to sleep, he has a weakness, abdominal pain, vomiting and noisy breathing may appear. Parents turn to the surgeon, thinking that the child is appendicitis, or begin to treat a cold. Therefore, do not think too long, call «ambulance».

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