Delay of sexual development in boys


  • Causes of late puberty in boys
  • Diagnosis and treatment of late sexual development

  • O Late in the midst of ripening speak if
    The boy does not increase the eggs to the 13 years and the appearance
    Lobo hair by 15 years. Also on the probability of penal delay
    Development may indicate a child's backlog in growth - hypostatic.

    Causes of late puberty in boys

    Paul ripening may well be hereditary, if such
    The situation has met a boy's relatives. Growth rate
    It remains normal, and although height leap, and puberty occurs
    later than most peers in the future they proceed
    By the usual way.

    However, some diseases may be the cause of late pub ripening:

    • Chromosomal anomalies, for example, clanfelter syndrome, in which an excess X-chromosome is present in the boy's genotype.
    • Some genetic diseases are accompanied by a violation of the production of hormones, which also leads to a delay in sexual development.
    • Development decline
      gonadotropins (hormones determining the development of genital organs)
      Because of the tumor damaging the brain area,
      in which hypothalamus and pituitary.
    • Chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, kidney disease and fibergation.

    Diagnosis and treatment of late sexual development

    In order to eliminate the chromosomal anomaly, the child takes blood on a chromosomal study.

    Delay of sexual development in boys
    Blood allows you to identify diabetes mellitus, anemia and other diseases,
    which may be the reason for the delay of puberty.

    To determine the maturity of bones, a radiographic study of the brushes and wrists.

    Detection of brain tumors conduct x-ray
    Research, computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance
    Tomography (MRI).

    If the delay of sexual development is caused
    chronic disease, then you need to cure a boy from him,
    after which the tempo of maturation is completely coming back.

    Violations caused by late puberty,
    Do not be treated. In some cases, it is possible to normalize the development of external
    genital signs by replenishing missing hormones.

    If the cause of the delay of sexual development has become a brain tumor, then a surgical operation is needed to remove it.

    The treatment of this abnormality of development, depending on the cause of genetics, endocrinologists, oncologists, and T.D.

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