Glasses Down! Laser vision correction


  • New opportunities
  • Possible complications of laser intervention
  • Who will help the laser?
  • Preparation for the operation
  • Quiet, there is an operation!
  • Recovery stage

  • New opportunities

    Points Down! Laser vision correctionOperations aimed at correcting the optical properties of the eyeball are called refractive, because they change the power of the refractiveness of the optical system of the eye expressed in diopters. Most of these operations are conducted on the cornea, as this is the strongest lens eye.

    Currently, laser is increasingly used for refractive operations. Laser Surgery - One of the youngest and promising areas of medicine. The laser is applied in ophthalmology since the end of the 80s of the last century. Today, more than 100 million have been fulfilled around the world. Laser interventions with different refraction anomalies (myopia, astigmatism). In our country, such operations are held since the late 90s of the XX century.

    Ophthalmologists immediately estimated the possibilities of a laser, which allows with high accuracy to influence the living fabric and dispening it exposure. Unlike radial keratotomy, most laser operations are not conducted on the periphery, but in the optical center of the cornea. Due to this, it is possible to more accurately predict the effect of the operation, and the intervention itself has become less traumatic.

    The essence of the operation lies in the fact that the laser «evaporates» Cells of the cornea, thereby changing its optical properties. The actions of the laser are managed by a computer program that practically eliminates any errors during the operation. The accuracy and dosage of laser exposure makes it possible to cope with complex variants of violation of vision and obtain the planned result in 96-98% of cases.

    Possible complications of laser intervention

    Safety of any of the refractive operations depends on its complexity, surgeon experience, the risk of postoperative complications.

    Exhaust technique for such operations reduced to a minimum possibility of side effects and complications. In addition, the current level of patient survey before the operation makes the likely risk of complications minimal. In addition, the equipment used to produce refractive operations is improved every year.

    The most common complications of laser refractive operations include:

    • incomplete vision correction (sometimes incomplete correction is the planned result of the operation) or hypercorrection (from gr. hyper - over);
    • distortion of objects at dusk (with operations on high degrees of refractive anomaly);
    • Postoperative swelling, cornea clouds and others.

    All this leads to a decrease in the quality of view and in some cases requires repeated operations.

    It is important to remember that all such operations correct only the optical system of the eye, without curing with complications that various violations may be accompanied by. For example, with myopia due to excessive lengthening of the eyeball, the nutrition and structure of the retina may suffer, which further threatens its detachment - in this case, a urgent special operation is required.

    Who will help the laser?

    Illustration from http://www.partner.dn.uaIndications To treatment with a laser - First of all, this is the desire of the patient to get rid of glasses and contact lenses. This is the most important and in most cases the only indication. However, some violations of vision cannot be completely eliminated with glasses and contact lenses (for example, astigmatism of high degree). And in this case, laser surgery may be the only method of recovery.

    Also resort to the help of a laser People who lead an active lifestyle, not compatible with wearing glasses and contact lenses, or people who want to refuse glasses from cosmetic considerations. Some patients conduct operations due to career, for example, when working to work in an organization, where professional vision is required by the characteristics of the profession. In any case, the decision on the operation is initially accepted only by the patient himself.

    It is worth noting that since the purpose of the refractive operation is to get rid of glasses and contact lenses, it can be considered cosmetic. Therefore, insurance companies do not pay such operations, and all expenses lie on the patient. The price depends on the degree of violation of vision. On average, the operation on one eye can cost about 10,000 rubles.

    After the operation, vision changes qualitatively: it will become more voluminous, wide - glasses such an effect cannot be provided. The difference will be the noticeable, the higher the degree of violation.

    However, there are a number of contraindications that have to take into account, deciding to laser vision correction.

    Absolute contraindications (It is impossible to conduct an operation under any circumstances):

    • congenital and acquired immunodeficiency states;
    • single eye;
    • progressive myopia;
    • glaucoma (chronic eye disease, accompanied by an increase in intraocular pressure and reduced vision;
    • cataract (eye disease, the main manifestation of which is partial or complete turbidity of the lens with a decrease in visual acuity up to its fullest);
    • thinning of the cornea;
    • Operated retinal detachment (for Lasik);
    • tuberculosis;
    • oncological diseases;
    • venereal diseases;
    • Pregnancy and lactation.

    Relative contraindications (Conduct operation possible under certain conditions):

    • diabetes;
    • Mental diseases;
    • acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the eye;
    • penetrating headbands of the cornea;
    • pronounced changes from the eye bottom.

    Preparation for the operation

    Discuss with the doctor in advance what will be your lifestyle after surgery, frequency of inspections and those eye drops that will have to be used after surgery. It is necessary to discuss absolutely everything: from the mode of visual loads, restrictions in physical exertion (for example, lifting weights, slopes) and before using cosmetics. All this is solved strictly individually.

    At the time of treatment, it is desirable not to change the hormonal background. That is why they are not advised to carry out laser remediation of view during breastfeeding, as well as six months before the planned pregnancy - a changing hormonal background can affect the transfer period. Discuss with your doctor possible reception of hormonal contraceptives (oral contraceptives), as well as other drugs and vitamins.

    Try to take a vacation. This will allow you to be under the control of the doctor at the first time after the operation. All week, preceding operation, have to walk without contact lenses - only in glasses. The day before the designated period, you need to carefully wash your head and face, refusing cosmetics and makeup.

    If you plan to laser correction of myopia, it is important that the disease does not progress. Otherwise, even a successfully operating operation cannot guarantee a long-term effect: after a while, myopia will appear again due to the continued elongation of the eyeball.

    To be sure that myopia does not progress, it is necessary to undergo a survey from an ophthalmologist twice with a difference of at least six months. In addition, you should know that when correcting myopia is surgically, after a 40 years of age, it may still have to use reading glasses, since because of the aging processes, it starts to focus it's worse.

    Quiet, there is an operation!

    All operation takes only a few minutes. She passes without anesthesia, but at the same time the patient does not feel anything - the doctor bursts special drops, thanks to which the eye is completely anesthest.

    Before starting the procedure, try to calm down. Sometimes it is possible to use soothing funds. But it is better to first communicate with those who have already suffered a similar operation to make sure that everything will pass painlessly. During the operation, you need to focus on a clear implementation of the instructions of the doctor.

    Recovery stage

    Points Down! Laser vision correctionSummary functions are restored 2-3 hours after the operation, but the final recovery of vision occurs after 1 month.

    Immediately after the operation, it is forbidden to touch the eye, there are no sharp movements of the eyeball, the eyelids need to close calmly, without squeezing.

    Almost immediately after the operation, you can go home. It is better to always ask relatives to accompany the patient after surgery and bring it to the house by car. In addition, if you get to the place of residence by public transport, there is a risk to infected with viral conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye). Sometimes, depending on the type of operation, the doctor advises within 1-2 days to comply with home regime. In some clinics after laser treatment, insist on temporary cessation of alcohol.

    As a rule, after the operation, the gymnastics for the eyes are prescribed, which contributes to the speedy recovery of accommodation - the ability to see and near, and away. In the first two weeks after the operation, it is necessary to bury eye drops, the visual and physical activity must be limited, the face and eye area is desirable to wash with boiled water without using cosmetic tools that can be used in about a week after the operation and only with the permission of the doctor. During the month, long-term baths, visits to the bath and swimming pools are not recommended.

    If all recommendations are performed, in a short time it will be possible to enjoy the new quality of view without any restrictions.

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