How to treat brucellosis


Brucellosis, treatment

Treatment of patients with brucellosis in a sharp period and during the exacerbation of the chronic process should be carried out in stationary conditions. In the sharp form of brucellosis,
And the recurrences are prescribed antibiotics. Levomycetin is used by
Scheme: 0.5 g every 4 hours, t. E. 3 g per day during the entire period
Increase temperature. Then the dose is reduced to 0.25 g 6 times a day in
For 10 days. The course is repeated 2-3 times with an interval of 10-15 days. By
The same scheme can be assigned tetracycline in a dose of 3 g every 6
hours before reducing body temperature. Effective tetracycline in combination
with streptomycin.

After the relief of acute manifestations of illness spend
Vaccinotherapy - the latter with chronic metastatic forms
is the main method of vaccine therapy. Vaccine is introduced different
ways: intradermode, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously.
Related diagrams of vaccine administration. With subcutaneous method
8-10 injections are carried out with an interval of 3-4 days. Most effective
intravenous administration, but it should be carried out carefully due to
Possible post accmineous reactions. From symptomatic therapy
Anti-inflammatory agents are prescribed: acetylsalicylic acid,
Bruphen, Voltaren, Indomethacin, Analgin, Butadion, Ropyrin and DR.
The duration of treatment with anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal
Means averages 4 weeks, most often assigned to 2
weeks one drug that then replaced with another.

How to treat brucellosis
Corticosteroid hormones are shown in the severe course of subacute and chronic brucellosis
with preferably lesion of central and peripheral nervous
Systems and in some cases severe lesions of the musculoskeletal

Among the means of stimulating therapy and drugs that provide a resinking effect, aloe, fibs (biogenic stimulant) are widely prescribed in patients with chronic brucellosis. A good resinking effect gives Lidase, Ronidase, Gumizol.

Physiotherapeutic procedures (diathermy,
Soluxe, UHF, paraffin applications). Physiotherapeutic procedures
Remote both local impact and general (reflexion),
contributing to resorption, loss of inflammation, improved tissue trophics.
Field of the microwave current increases the metabolism, improves blood and lymph,
Reduces pain. Ultraviolet irradiation (UFO) activates the exchange
substances, stimulates the protective forces of the body, reduces the increased
The sensitivity of the body to different stimuli, improves
Blood circulation fabrics. Often with chronic form brucellosis
Use electrophoresis of medicines to the area of ​​affected
Sustav. Prescribe electrophoresis of potassium iodide, sodium salicyllate or

Sick chronic brucellosis showed sanatorium-resort treatment.
The course of balneotherapy consists of 10-12 sulfide baths with average
hydrogen sulfide content (60-80 mg / l) and water temperature 36-37°WITH. Duration of procedures 5-15 minutes. Procedures are carried out after 1-2 days. Dirt applied in the form of appliqués temperature 42-44°WITH. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

The mechanism of therapeutic action of the bathroom comes down to neuro-reflex and
Humoral influence on metabolic processes. Usually use several
Methods: Normal, lightweight, intense, condensed and
combined. The usual method comes down to the appointment of mineral water
Temperature 35-36°WITH For 15 minutes. With a lightweight method, the first 3-4 conifer baths give, then from mineral water temperature 35-36°WITH, Duration 5-6 minutes, after 1-2 days. The intensive method lies in the appointment of baths in a day of 36-37°WITH for 15 minutes. In the treatment of lesions of the musculoskeletal system, the patients with a compensated and subcompensated form of brucellosis are recommended chloride sodium, sulphide, and yodobromic water.

It is considered permissible to carry out balneological treatment
Patients only up to 65 years of age and courses no more than 4 weeks. More
Hippocrates said: «Baths help with many diseases when all
Other has already ceased to help».

Having produced during infectious disease excess heat, organism
Does this at the expense of its thermal reserves. Hyperthermic baths
introduced additional sterile heat from the outside without affecting
Own reserves of the body.

Excess heat from hyperthermic baths is easy to adjust and
Dosing depending on the state of the patient. Number of baths for
Each patient varies from 8 to 24, the baths are prescribed every 2 days.
In cases of treating infectious polyarthritis, it is possible to achieve
Large results with the help of turpentine baths. They stop fever
and reduce the deformation of the joints.

With latent forms of brucellosis prescribe a common treatment,
strict mode of labor and recreation, with residual phenomena - massage and
Medical gymnastics. To improve blood and lymphorage,
Relaxing painful muscle tension prescribe therapeutic massage. IN
objectives of the functional restoration of the affected joints is required

Russian Lekari have long been treated brucellosis and other diseases
Joints of medicinal plant in wine. Necessary
take 100 g of the root of Sarspare and 2 liters of grape wines itself
highest quality. Low quality fault is unsuitable, as they contain
Tannin, lowering healing power Sarspare. Insist in the room with
Temperature 20-23°WITH For 2 weeks with daily scarring. Dose: 1 Wine 3 times a day. Better take 1 hour before meals.

How to treat brucellosis
Very good sick articular brucellosis to drink in the big
The number of carrot and celery juice. Proportion: 300 g celery juice
700 g of carrot juice. It is recommended to take solar baths more often.

Treatment must be started with overall cleaning
organism. Dr. Newman recommends starting cleaning the body and
Fasting in the following way. In the morning dilute 1 liter of English salt in
1/2 glasses of boiling water, add 2 lemons juice, pretend to top cold
Water. After 20 minutes, take half a cup of carrot and celery juice
or as many citrus (orange, lemon), dilute 1/2 cup
distilled water and drink. During the day, drink juice with
distilled water every half an hour.

After one day cleaning the body should go to starvation.
For 1-5 days take only some vegetable juices. Every evening
put the enema to get rid of garbage.

In the treatment of heavy forms of rheumatism, especially
The articular, the Russian and Finnish baths are also played a huge role,
certainly with the ferry and broom. Soar sick places need as possible
stronger and longer.

Folk Medicine recommends for the treatment of arthritis when brucellosis drink grapefruit juice. It destroys fluid in the joints and sinuses. Drink half a cup three times a day.

You can use various means for compresses and rubbing.
Take a bottle accompanying 200 g of liquid. Put a piece of camphor
1/4 Sugar Sugar. Pour on 1/3 of the bottle of turpidar, one
Third wooden or olive oil, the rest of a third of the bottle
Fill with wine alcohol fortress 96-98°WITH. Before drinking. Lying to dryness before bedtime and tie with anything out of wool all night.

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