Treatment of obesity

The first extra kilograms come unnoticed. At first, heavily, the fastened button on his favorite jeans is a smile, but if you do not take action, it will take quite a bit of time, it will not be to laughter: today more than a billion people in the world suffer from obesity.

Obesity is a serious disease that arises due to the overaffect of adipose tissue in the body (mass index is greater than 30 kg / m?). Residents of economically prosperous countries are well familiar with this problem. Women from 40 years old are more often hostage.

Causes of obesity

hypothalamic obesity, overweight, treatment of obesity, overweight, obesity, weight loss

Obesity - the result of the impaired equilibrium between the energy entering the body and its consumption. This imbalance occurs when:

  • regular abundant consumption of oily food;
  • Family predisposition. If the father and mother are full, a child in 85 cases out of 100 has overweight problems;
  • pathology in the process of tooling the child and during childbirth (for example, strong Toxicosis, hypoxia fruit, rapid childbirth);
  • the presence in the history of the cranial trauma and neuroinfection (meningitis, encephalitis);
  • Periods of increased activity of the hypothalamic structure: adolescent age, early puberty, beginning of sexual relations, abortion, Strong stress.

Views of obesity

hypothalamic obesity, overweight, treatment of obesity, overweight, obesity, weight loss

The predominant placement of the fat layer on the body is distinguished by men's (abdominal), female (gluteophemoral) and mixed forms of the disease.

Abdominal form, which is most often found in men and is characterized by deposition of fat on the stomach and top of the body, the most dangerous. On her background, in the absence of proper treatment, develop diabetes, Arterial hypertension, ischemic infarction and strokes.

Women's type of obesity is expressed by superfluous centimeters on the hips and buttocks. On his background there are fewer complications in contrast to male type.

With a mixed type, the fatty fabric is evenly distributed throughout the body.

Duration, shape and severity of the disease determine the nature of patient complaints. Obesity I- II of the degree of significant inconvenience to a person, as a rule, does not deliver. With III-IV degree weakness, constant fatigue, bad sleep, headaches, The predominance of pessimistic mood. The constant satellite of any physical activity becomes dyspnea. You can also note strong Entrance feet, Painful sensations in the field of heart, in the joints and spine. Gastrointestinal tract for overweight react heartburn, Ottg, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, constipation, pain in the right hypochondrium.

Undoubtedly, the sexual sphere is also suffering from both men and women. The strong floor is paid for excessive weight with a decrease in potency and increasing the chest. Women because of excess weights face a monthly cycle disorders, difficulties in the conception of a child, growth «Unnecessary» male hair.

Diagnosis of the disease

General feature of all forms of obesity - overweight.

Overweight is considered as such if the ideal weight is exceeded by more than 25%. The easiest way to calculate your ideal weight (truth, with a great permit) - use the formula: (growth in centimeters) - 100. If the growth is 160 cm and more, you need not 100, but 110. Excess mass 25-29% - I degree of obesity, 30-49% - II degree, 50-99% - III degree, 100% or more - IV degree.

In any case, for competent advice, you need to consult a doctor.

Treatment of obesity

hypothalamic obesity, overweight, treatment of obesity, overweight, obesity, weight loss

The fight against extra kilograms is successful only when it is based on a clearly thought-out diet and adequate physical exertion. The caloric content of the daily food diet must be no higher than the daily energy consumption.

The best effect is observed from low-calorie diets balanced by the main ingredients. People suffering from obesity must eat more than five to six times a day, small portions. They should be forgotten about fats and refined carbohydrates, but vegetables and fruits can be used often in large quantities (the taboo is imposed on bananas, grapes and dates). Fasting is practiced only in hospital conditions under the supervision of specialists. Good results can be achieved by adhering to a low-bed diet: the daily fat volume is not more than 25-30 g per day.

Alternating low-calorie and low-lived diets with mandatory discharge days allows you to quickly achieve optimal weight.

Patients with great excess weight The doctor may recommend therapeutic means, Lowering appetite (Mazindol, Fentermin). But these drugs have side effects: allergic reactions, patient sedimentation. As a fat bollection agent use adiposin by courses for 20-30 days in combination with diuretics. Good proven to the drug of new generation - Orlistat. The medicine prevents the suction of fats in the intestine.

In the treatment of obesity, a special place is discharged for a common massage and increased physical exertion.

Prevention of obesity

hypothalamic obesity, overweight, treatment of obesity, overweight, obesity, weight loss

Our site draws your attention to a few simple rules that ideally become a good habit and norm for everyone.

  1. Watch your power, carefully choosing the products that you will have on a plate. Sweet, flour, fat, sharp - certainly very tasty food, but not quite safe for your health. Never skip breakfast and lunch, better do not eat 4 hours before sleep. The snacks between the main meals are allowed if the worm climb you can fruit, sandwiches and tea buns are not welcome.
  2. It is very important to drink a lot - at least 2.5 liters of water per day. Sometimes the feeling of thirst is masked under a strong feeling of hunger, which we are happy «Single» Harmful products. Remember: If drinking a glass of water 20-30 minutes before meals, you can lose weight; but the juice or tea, drunk immediately after eating, nothing but extra centimeters on the hips, you will not bring.
  3. Do not forget about targeted exercise that will help you keep yourself in shape. Charging is able to eliminate extra calories, if you have not kept and ate more laid for dinner. Choose what you like. Hiking, dancing, morning jogging, rope - it can be anything, just move, give oxygen to your body and it will certainly answer you good well-minded.
  4. Practice unloading days - they give the opportunity to relax the gastrointestinal tract, remove the entire body «rubbish». 1 or 2 times a week during the day Drink a lot of water or herbal teas, eat fruits or vegetables that help the body cleaned.
  5. If you have to work often at the computer, enter the following rule for yourself: there is no one before the monitor! So you will save yourself from systematic overeating. «Sitting» Watch Be sure to compensate for an active holiday with family or friends. No matter how old you are, because it is pleasant to ride a bike and 20, and in 50, is not true?
  6. If you have finally decided to drastically change the lifestyle, do not be lazy to visit the attending physician or nutritionist. The specialist will tell you how to establish your food, what kind of sport is to give preference, and from what, due to the individual state of health, it is better to refuse.

Our body and our health - the indicator of our relationship. The more the person loves and respects himself, the most likely, with a diagnosis «obesity» he will never come up.

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