Seven «not» For a patient with influenza


  • Do not leave home
  • Do not turn the apartment in Lazare
  • Do not self-medicate
  • Do not rush to drink antibiotics
  • Do not knock the temperature
  • Do not climb in a hot bath
  • Do not go to work

    Seven & laquo; not & raquo; For a patient with influenzaDo not leave home

    Very often, a person who finds the first signs of the impending flu - an increased temperature, head and muscular pain, a hole in the throat, - swallows the duty set of drugs and go on urgent matters to finish them until they finally disappeared. Better not leave the house! First, the first hours of the disease are the most unpredictable. Coming out of the house with a temperature of 37 degrees, you will find that in two hours it rose to forty - and you still have to go back. Secondly, spare around. It has already been proven that one gripping citizen, sneezing in the subway, infects the whole car, in which there are probably pregnant women, cores and asthmatics, and they are especially ruthless to them.

    Do not turn the apartment in Lazare

    If there is an opportunity - put the sick in a separate room or at least burnt off his bed with shirma, highlight it with separate dishes and place it toothbrush into a separate glass. Observe personal precautions: Before approaching the patient, put the mask, more often carry out the room, wash your hands, wechit the throat with disinfecting solutions and take antiviral drugs. This will allow you not to get sick yourself.

    Do not self-medicate

    Predict the flow of influenza is impossible, as well as the complications that he can «Award». And they can be the most different - from banal sinusitis, otitis and bronchitis to pneumonia, myocarditis and pyelonephritis. On time to detect the beginning complication and prescribe treatment can only doctor!

    Do not rush to drink antibiotics

    Influenza viruses to antibiotics are insensitive. Moreover, antibiotics kill useful microbes protecting the body. If the flu has started, not bag, «Touch» antibiotics, you can at least earn dysbacteriosis.

    Do not knock the temperature

    Increased temperature is a protective reaction of the body that struggles with viruses. Some radical doctors do not advise to shoot down the temperature, if it is not higher than 38 degrees, even with young children, if they do not have «convulsive readiness». At elevated temperature, the body dehydration occurs. Therefore, it is useful to drink a lot - minimum 100 ml of liquid per kilogram of weight. Thus, you will kill two hares at once - help the body to recover and print toxins overwhelming it from the body.

    Do not climb in a hot bath

    At elevated temperatures, all thermal procedures are contraindicated - baths, mustard pieces, heating. These funds will go «to bang» To eliminate the consequences of the moved flu.

    Do not go to work

    Revolving after flu is usually lasts for a long time «Asthenic syndrome» - Simply put, decay forces. Therefore, productive work will not work anyway, but «Second wave» Diseases rise maybe. Viruses are detained by macrophages, which opens the gate for other infections.

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