First aid at the edema of the brain


  • How to recognize brain swelling
  • First aid: what to do

  • How to recognize brain swelling

    Sweet brain swelling - occurs during excessive accumulation of fluid in brain tissue. This is a universal brain tissue reaction to various pathological effects. Even brain tissue rapidly increases in volume. The discrepancy between the volume of the brain and the skull is created. The brain is squeezed, shifting into a large occipital hole. As a result of penetration of the brain, the centers of vital organs are damaged.

    Often the brain swelling is accompanied by a coma. Coma with a brain edema develops due to an increase in intracranial pressure during a tumor or injury of a brain, poisoning and t.D.

    What are the signs of brain edema? Initially, a headache with nausea and vomiting appears, then the drowsiness is joined, the difficulty in orientation in the surrounding space and its condition, in communicating with others. The pulse is cut and blood pressure increases. One or both pupil expands, their response to light disappears.

    Gradually, the condition of the sick person is weight gained and he flows into an unconscious state - to whom, developing due to the compression of the brain. Clearness and violation of respiratory and cardiovascular activities are possible.

    First aid: what to do

    First aid at the edema of the brainFirst of all, the patient is necessary to ensure peace and bed mode (put the patient in the bed with an elevated headboard).

    Also the patient should be released from the upper clothes to ensure the influx of fresh air.

    Then it is necessary to free the mouth from the vomit (if there is), with repeated vomits - turn the head of the side of the side and remove the lots of mouth.

    With a traumatic, apoplexic, thermal coma - you need to put a cold on your head (bubble with ice or cold water).

    In convulsions - gently hold the head and limb to protect a person from bruises.

    A patient with an edema of the brain should be given through every hour of 1 tablespoon of a 10% solution of calcium chloride, some of the diuretic preparations (hypothiazide, furosemide or diakarb) or champs and infusions from plants (juniper fruits, tolnaging leaves, lingonberries, horsetails, diuretic fees or renal tea).

    You can add a means lowering the sensitivity of the body to various substances (Dimedrol, Supratine or Tueguil).

    But it is best not to engage in the search for scarce drugs, and immediately call the neuropathologist's house or «ambulance», Because patients with peculiar brain need to urgently hospitalize in hospitals of various profiles (depending on the type of coma or the reasons that caused the enemy of the brain).

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