Depression: the danger of the XXI century


  • Plague of the XXI century
  • «Slightly drove and got up...»
  • Non-armed «Dr. souls»
  • Gloomy perspectives
  • Grief from the mind and...Comfort
  • Black line?
  • Treatment joy

    Depression: the danger of the XXI centuryIt is already known that depression causes nervous disorders, disruption of appetite, insomnia. And now, WHO has announced a report, clearly indicating: Depression turns into one of the terrible diseases of today.

    Plague of the XXI century

    According to the organization's specialists, by 2020 it will take second place for the causes of mortality and disability among the population of the whole world. In the first place will remain the current leader of this sad rating - cardiovascular diseases. The rest of the victims will either come back under the onslaught of the progress of medicine, or will go to the past due to technical progress. For example, the number of production injuries will decrease, because work, fraught with risk for a person, is increasingly reputable to machines. People will die from what was considered before «bad mood».

    This is especially true for residents of developed countries. As you know, the more active in society uses the achievements of science and technology, the lower the stress resistance of people. Life in man-made society is impossible without constant mental overload. The service requires us in the office at 12 o'clock a day, and at the moments of Abrals and Deadline, the working day can delay and for a day. As a result, there is no time left on a family, nor on vacation or entertainment.

    Thought naturally arises: And then why work at all, if the money earned is once spent? Gradually moving friends and loved ones - after all, they are accustomed that you live to work, and do not work to live. As a result, a person remains one on one with his career, and if she suddenly begins, can fall into the black melancholy. Such a state is fraught with the most severe consequences, right up to suicide.

    «Slightly drove and got up, and in an hour - another little...»

    Travel loads are added here. If earlier people mostly lived in small towns and villages, and to get to work, they were required for 15-20 minutes, now those who spend on the road one end, believe that they are big lucky. The presence of your own car, which was previously a sign of well-being, and now - an indispensable attribute of even an ordinary clerk, only glows the sharpness of the problem. After all, by car in the morning to work, sometimes you have to get longer than in public transport.

    In addition, drivers, languishing in traffic jams, are larger stress than passengers of public transport. Those at least may be distracted by reading, communication with comrades in misfortune or just to build, if you managed to take a sedentary place. Being driving, a person is forced to constantly follow the road, controlling the situation and looking for a place where «stuck». Plus the risk of small accidents, which, albeit well-dangerous, but take time, strength and nerves. As a result, a person who uses the machine «For comfort», comes to work already fairly exhausted. He is unable to focus on fulfilling his duties, therefore it is forced to linger late. It turns out a closed circle...

    Non-armed «Dr. souls»

    At the same time, cultures attentive and sensitive attitude towards themselves, to the state of their physical and psychological health, we have not yet developed. Many still confuse «psychologist» and «psychiatrist», Yes, and not in our tradition to contact «Doctors souls». By the way, the Americans for whom a personal psychologist has long been the norm of life, no less suffer. In terms of cases of severe diseases and deaths caused by the consequences of depression, they are hardly ahead of Russians and Europeans. We, if at all «Potret», You can always come to a friend with a bottle of something hot and pour soul. In an individual western culture, this is simply not accepted. At best, you will advise you to turn to a psychologist.

    Depression: the danger of the XXI centuryGloomy perspectives

    Meanwhile, the chairman of the Moscow society of psychiatrists and narcologists, Sergey Mosolov, stated on the WHO, said, Depression often leads to diseases of the internal organs, adherence to alcohol and drugs. About 15% of suffering chronic depression finish the life of suicide. This is especially true for children whose psyche is still formed. Only in Russia, according to official statistics, about three thousand children and adolescents between the ages of 5 and 19 years old are voluntarily left annually from life, and this is just 1% of the total number of suicide attempts.

    At first, it is impossible to recognize, the person is inclined to depressions or not. In many ways it depends on genetics. If a person has a relevant predisposition, the risk of depression increases 4 times compared with those who in the family «Depressive» did not have. So you can only build assumptions, because the paradoxes of genetic ties of science have not yet been fully understood.

    In general, depression - the thing is insidious. She can give to know about himself, years later. According to scientists from the American University of Cornell, any psychotrampa (violence, the death of close and t.n) can be fraught with serious disorders in a few years. Such events form negative changes in psyche. And in the future disorders can take a more serious form than if it happened immediately.

    Grief from the mind and...Comfort

    So it represents? Word itself «depression» appeared in the XIX century, although the disease, of course, was known much earlier. Their roots medical term leaves, as it should be, in Latin. Latin DEPRESSIO means suppression. Later this word began to designate a mental illness associated with decaying forces, often unfortunate.

    Today, doctors argue that in one degree or another, the depression takes 20% of the population of the Earth. Moreover, as already mentioned, this ailment is striking mostly residents of developed countries, raising grave infectious diseases and made the lives of citizens more comfortable. In the worse community communities located at a low level of development, the problem of depression is so acute. People are engaged in struggle for survival, severe physical labor and, if they die, then in completely different reasons. Truly, as the classic said, grief from the mind...

    Black line?

    Depression: the danger of the XXI centuryDeceit of depression also in the fact that it is very difficult to recognize it in the initial stage. Awildness and bad mood People are written off on objective reasons, and are uncompressed when it is already quite bad. The bad service serves and the human habit is hiding the head in the sand: it always seems that this is just a black band in life, and soon everything will better work out. But so, alas, it does not always happen.

    Enemy need to know in face. Signs of depression include: Depressed mood, anonymous decline, no pleasure from previously pleasant actions. A wrapping should be a bad appetite and a dream, a rapid feeling of fear and suicidal thoughts, as well as the feeling of their own worthlessness. To one degree or another, this can say about himself, perhaps, each of us. So doctors call: just be attentive to yourself and your feelings!

    But, according to foreign researchers, even recognizing the state of chronic stress, few of us takes measures to really change their lives. More often people try to leave the position using tablets, alcohol and t.D., exacerbating the situation. By the way, the desire to forget with one of these «Soothing» - Also anxious «bell». This traction can grow into alcoholism or drug addiction. It often happens with popular people who have not sustained the tests of glory. But they have tools and opportunities to be treated from depression and bad habits in the best clinics, and we are with you?

    Treatment joy

    To avoid chronic form of illness, WHO specialists recommend to leave fears and prejudices, and immediately contact the doctor. No need to fear antidepressants if a doctor prescribes them. This is especially true in the fall and in winter, when a short daylight especially provokes the development of depression. You need to try to bring positive emotions to your life. In other words, to do what brings joy: to communicate with children, nature, art, walk to the cinema or just more often to meet with your loved ones.

    In the initial stage, it is enough to simply adjust the mode of the day - not overloaded at work, get enough sleep, alternate work and rest, and just develop a positive attitude to life. In the end, hurrying in cases, just stop for a minute and admire the beauty of the surrounding world: we will not redo everything, and our health, as one knows, and you can not buy it.

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