Find out what is considered reduced pressure, how the symptoms of hypotension are manifested and is it possible to use phytotherapy in this disease.
- What values can be considered low pressure
- How to live with physiological hypotension
- Fitotherapy under reduced pressure

Reduced pressure may cause many problems. This dizziness, chronic fatigue, drowsiness, bad heat portability, reduced performance. Is it necessary to endure the symptoms of arterial hypotension and why apply to a doctor for such «Void», will help to figure this article.
What values can be considered low pressure
Normal pressure indicators depend on the age and individual characteristics of the person. It is believed that for persons younger than 25 years old, the lower boundary of the norm for men is 100/60 mm RT. Art., And for women — 95/60 mm Hg. Art. At the age of 25-40 years, these values increase slightly to 105/65 mm RT. Art. In men and 100/60 mm RT. Art. among women.Lowering two or one of the values with output beyond the limits of the norm call arterial hypotension (hypotension).
Reduced pressure can be a norm for some people. At the same time, unpleasant symptoms accompanying the disease are manifested only under certain conditions. It may be stress, weather change, overwork. You do not consider for yourself normal low pressure, what to do in this case?First of all, visit the doctor. Arterial hypotension can be one of the symptoms of the disease. And only a thorough examination may exclude such an opportunity.
How to live with physiological hypotension
According to experts, your reduced pressure is recognized as an option of the norm. Of the good: Life expectancy of people with low pressure is usually slightly higher than average. But, unfortunately, the quality of life of hypotoniks often leaves much to be desired. A tendency to faint and dizziness, high fatigue and drowsiness, headaches have not yet done a single person happier. To put up with such states is not worth. After all, there are simple ways to resist these troubles:
- Try to skillfully alternate work and rest. Do not forget that a healthy sleep lasting at least 8 hours is very important;
- During sleep, your head must be 20-30 cm above the legs;
- Take care of sports. Muscles are called «Second heart». Reducing, they squeeze blood vessels and help pushing blood. Try to move more. If you live near work, get to her on foot or on a bike. Or leave a couple of stops before and make a small walk;
- Review your diet. Heavy food adversely affects the state of vessels and causes drowsiness. Minimize the use of fried food, greasy meat, flour products, sugar. Try to divide the daily amount of food for 4-5 receptions. Your diet should have enough vegetables and fruits. Pay attention to basil. Useful substances that are included in its composition help normalize pressure;
- In winter, vitamins and minerals must be taken, precastly consulted with the doctor;
- Refuse to alcohol: it causes the extension of the vessels, which leads to a decrease in pressure;
- Coffee and bitter chocolate — Excellent helpers when you need to lift pressure. But do not abuse them. Otherwise, other diseases will have to be treated;
- Massage, spa treatments, meditation helps to fight anxiety, depressive manifestations, if any;
- Visit Psychologist. He will tell how to confront stressful situations. So symptoms of hypotension will be less likely to disturb you.
Fitotherapy under reduced pressure
There are many plants with tonic and vasculating properties. Tincture ginseng, Eleutherococcus or lemongrass can be found in each pharmacy. Take them according to the instructions, not forgetting to pay attention to contraindications.
Broth of immortals
Fill 2 st.L. Flowers glass water temperature. Cover the lid and, periodically stirring, heating 30 minutes in a water bath. Give the brave of cooling for 10 minutes, and then strain and squeeze. With boiled water, bring the volume to the initial. Take 1 st.L. 3 times a day, 10-15 minutes before meals.