Poor mood, fatigue, unfortunate concern. Such a state, especially after childbirth, is typical of many women. True, not everyone is ready to admit to yourself openly, they are afraid that even close people will not be able to understand them...
Stress lasts from several days to several months, depending on the emotional reaction of a woman. This is the so-called postpartum depression. What is her symptoms and that violates the emotional balance and tranquility of the young mother?
How the postpartum depression is manifested?
Of course, it all depends on the nature of the woman and its ability to respond to what is happening around. As a rule, many of the weak floor representatives are experiencing mood swings, experienced due to trifles. The young mother seems that she is not able to cope with the nature entrusted to her, and if we are talking about the birth of the first child, she is always afraid to make some mistake, causing him.
The usual physical fatigue associated with new duties is added to these fears: if you care for the baby immediately after childbirth, it is difficult for all women at all, then it is all the more difficult for those who give birth for the first time. As a result, despair and apathy may appear: fear that milk will not have enough crude, he will sore and t.NS. The lack of understanding in the family will lead to the fact that the young mother will cease to be interested in all that it surrounds, there will be constant tantrums and scandals.
However, the depressive state affects not only the emotional sphere: in more serious forms it is accompanied by fatigue and weakness, loss of appetite and sleep disorder.
Immediately after childbirth, the hormonal equilibrium of women is broken. Estrogens and progesterons (female sex hormones), which during pregnancy were developed by the ovaries and the placenta in large quantities, after the child appeared on the light, they begin to decrease, gradually returning to the level of pregnancy preceding the pregnancy. Changes in a hormonal state that is usually stabilized within a week after childbirth seems to have a strong impact on the nervous system and affects the well-being and emotional state of a woman.
However, it is difficult to establish a direct causal relationship between these physical factors and the increasing emotional vulnerability of a woman. It is unlikely that only a change in the hormonal state is able to cause postpartum depression, because it happens not all of the births and experienced the same physiological, that is, natural, changes of women.
As for the reasons for depression, the uniform opinion of specialists on this issue does not exist. Some neuropsychiators believe that the basis of this postpartum mental disorder is a genetic predisposition to the disease. In their opinion, depression is a hereditary disease that needs to be treated with psychotropic drugs, relieving a feeling of anxiety and apathy. According to this theory, a greater risk to experience depression is subject to women whose mother in due time suffered from this disorder.
Many doctors and psychologists believe that the depression and mood differences are caused by complex psychological reasons that should be searched primarily in the character of a woman. Births, like other similar events related to a change in social status (marriage, divorce, moving to another city), can become a kind of incentive for ambiguous mental reactions.
This occurs most often as a result of violation of psychological equilibrium. One of the most common reactions immediately after delivery is a sense of devastation caused by a violation of the fragile equilibrium, which was created between the mother and the child during pregnancy.
Many women need some time to part with fantasies lovingly in pregnancy and take a real child, which at first it seems to them as if. In fact, see that the long-awaited kid is not at all similar to how his mom draws in his imagination, it turns out for many serious tests. However, as a rule, it onlyizes just a few days so that everything fell into place.
Sometimes a depressive reaction is associated with problems affecting the depth spheres of human psychology. For example, some women cannot accept the fact that the birth of a child imposes a number of responsibilities for them, which they had no. Permanent physical and emotional «attachment» Crook causes them to realize that they would have to part with a familiar lifestyle when they could devote most of the time to work, beloved, meetings with girlfriends, reading books: Now, when you need all the strength to give the baby, all this becomes problematic. And this conflict (between a new social role and former requests from which will have to refuse for a long time) can generate feelings of dissatisfaction with life and depression.
As a rule, the attacks of bad mood, sadness and crying will gradually pass by themselves, as soon as the young mother acquires the necessary support skills for the newborn, will cease to feel confused and lonely before new duties.
However, in some cases, disbelief in their own strength and melancholy do not leave the woman even a few months after childbirth. She feels unable to take care of the baby. If this happens, the best thing you can do is turn to your doctor, and then to a psychologist with whom to try to analyze your condition. This will make it possible to understand the depth reasons for depression.
Very rarely depression is so deep, which suggests a real postpartum psychosis (its manifestations - a state of anxiety, loss of the feeling of reality or hallucination). In this case, it is recommended to immediately turn to a psychiatrist, which will determine the most effective method of treatment. It will not be necessary in this case to consult with a psychologist.
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