The pathology of the behavior of a sociopathic (patient with such a diagnosis) lies mainly in the sphere of social behavior and does not depend in any way from the nationality of such a patient, nor from his position, if at all such a person is able to occupy any position.

Sociopath has no value system, and he belongs to human life with a complete disregard, and I would even say, with disgust and tary cynicism. He seeks any of his need to satisfy any price, even if he will have to achieve his goal «Go across the corpses», Without recognizing either measures or half-term. At the same time, sociopath does not feel the feelings of repentance or guilt for their actions, because he, according to the American psychologist Robert Hayra, is missing conscience. Anyone reproacitate, any indication on the erroneousness of the actions of sociopath, any criticism or condemnation of his actions - and he «explodes», Blowing into the state of indomitable aggression. And the further the disease is progressing, the harder the patient is convinced that the creative one is right, and increasingly resides with the surrounding war in a state, and he is increasingly aggressive.
To whom there are aforementioned signs?
Studies in the field of psychiatry show that they are inherent in the main, so-called «asocial personalities», And so much that, it seems, they simply cannot live without them, and I dare to notice, so rooted that they became almost a feature of character.
In this category, traditionally include immigrants from socially disadvantaged families and people who have had conflict with the law, and as a result, who have been in places of imprisonment, and recently - participants in the youth fascist-nationalist lawradic groups and members of the political parties of the nationalist.
The above-mentioned personalities are constantly in a state of permanent war with others, and also constantly looking for enemies around them (the last phenomenon indicates the presence of patients and paranoid mental deviations). Not wanting to make the norms of morality and behavior existing in society, and often hate to other peoples on the basis of racial-national prejudices, and somewhere even rooted due to the upbringing of stereotypes, and the viciously responding to reproaches others about the erroneousness of their actions, sociopaths find ourselves where the same as they are going, asocial pathologically aggressive inadequate people - the informal movements, totalitarian sects, militantly configured groups, and in a number of countries and political parties and blocks of radical-nationalist directions, so the judgment that sociopathy - an integral trait of a particular nation, incorrectly.
Patients with sociopathy Ultra-right radicals and party figures of different countries are convinced that only their opinion, or the ideology formed by the radical-nationalist group or the party is correct, for it is based on reliable, actually existing sources of information (which, not reported). This creates the situation in which the surroundings are forced to enter only the words of a sociopathic propagandist of radical ideas, without being able to check their accuracy. And this very sociopath-propagandist depicts the highest authority, such «Mr. crowd», and does not encourage independent thinking in the listeners, based on the fact that everyone's wrong with him. Any attempts of others to convince a radically tuned sociopath in the fallacy of his views, judgments and inaccuracy of the facts caused by his rage and anger.
Causes of sociopathy in humans can be different
There is an opinion that such people's hereditary mental diseases or the reason for the development of sociopathy in such people lie solely in the social sphere, that is, this is the problem of upbringing and social environment. However, in recent times, cases of sociopaths in almost ideal social conditions have become more frequent and described and even in relatively prosperous families. But those factors like an unfavorable social environment, deterioration of the economic situation in the country, spiritual and moral decomposition of the Company and the collapse of the education system that can provoke sociopathy should not be discounted. Other mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, paranois and manic depressive psychosis can also provoke sociopathy.