What products do not smell the mouth and how to solve this problem?


Unpleasant smell of mouth, or halitosis — Extremely widespread trouble from which every person faces early or later. Silver breath may be a sign of oral diseases and internal organs, but most often the reason is the use of certain products.

From where the smell?

What products badly smells of mouth and how to solve this problem?Unpleasant — The consequence of the vital activity of microorganisms living in this part of the digestive tract. The oral cavity of a person is populated with the most different microbes, inhabit it «good» aerobic bacteria, such as intestinal wand, some streptococci involved in the formation of local immunity and restraining the growth of pathogenic flora, and «harmful» Anaerobic microorganisms that, actually, and spoil the exhaled air.

Nutrient medium for anaerobic bacteria is a white flaw, accumulating in the language, gums, teeth and mucosa. The decomposition of this flying to methyl mercaptan leads to the appearance of a smell of rotten cabbage, if allylmercaptan is formed as a result, the smell of garlic appears. Over the smell of rotten eggs corresponds to hydrogen sulfide, for sharp odors — Propyl mercaptan, dimethydisulfide, carbondisulfide. Cadaverin provides a resistant smell of urine from mouth, indole and scottol — The smell of Cala. Putropecin smells like rotting meat, trimethylamine and dimethylamine — Like staggering fish, and isolatery acid — as spoiled cheese. In fact, the appearance of a smell of the mouth depends largely on which starting materials are obtained by bacteria, that is, from what the person eats or drinks.

Drying agents

The appearance of the smell of mouth is often adjacent to dry mouth and provoked products that cause thirst. Most often it is oily, acute, spicy, sweet or salty food, as well as alcohol, that is, alcohol. As the man smells like a man, on the eve of the alcoholic drinks, everyone knows, but we will touch the other side of the question.

Alcohols are often contained in «Old-fashioned» Mouth rinsing fluids, they are designed to kill the pathogenic flora and save a person from Galitoza, in fact, the problem is only aggravated. The alcohol dries the oral mucosa, and the shortage of saliva, in the normal retention of bacteria, leads to their stormy reproduction and isolating bad smelling substances.

Skin Food

That products rich in protein, with decomposition, publish an extremely unpleasant smell, everyone knows. To refresh memory, it is enough to remember how the meat faces. This is how the mouth smells from those who love dairy products, meat, beans, but at the same time neglects hygiene rules and does not clean the teeth after meals.

The particles of the dairy product or meat become a nutrient medium for anaerobic bacteria and turn them into volatile and odorous compounds of sulfur, which give the exhaled, the unique aroma of rotten eggs.

Sweets and flour products

What injustice: you ate a piece of chocolate and two cookies, and instead of a pleasant vanilla flavor, SMRAR. Why? Partly the problem is that an excess of sweet and flour contributes to the occurrence of caries, however, mainly halitosis is due to the fact that simple sugars become easy prey for anaerobes and they are spent on the formation of sulfur compounds. Taking into account the fact that candy, cookies, cakes belong to sticky products, their stocks, accumulating in the interdental intervals and in the near-sided surfaces of the teeth, is abuse to provide you with persistent «Aroma» during the day.

Some producers of sweet lollipops claim that their products are ensured by a pleasant smell of mouth, identical to the smell of candy. So believe in advertising! You are not able to feel your own breathing, and therefore 100% sure of it in its freshness, and your interlocutor in this time suffocates from the stream of sulfur connections and dreams of a speedy ending of the conversation.

Acid products

These include primarily coffee, tomato, pineapple and citrus juices. These products change the acidity of the oral cavity than weakened the protective properties of saliva and unleash the hands of the anaerobic microbes that distinguishes badly smelling aromatic in the process of its livelihood. Coffee lovers who do not have habits rinse with water after another espresso cup, the smell of mouth always leaves much to be desired.

Onion and garlic

What products badly smells of mouth and how to solve this problem?The smell of mouth, which give garlic and onions, is known to everyone, his cause — Flushing phytoncides that long time remain in the oral cavity.

How to enjoy food and at the same time not to suffer with halitosis?

  • Regularly after eating for two minutes brush your teeth.
  • Use in hygienic oral care tooth thread and brush for cleaning language.
  • Avoid snacks, after each cup of coffee, do not forget to rinse your mouth with water.
  • Try more often drink water. Put a glass on the table and drink three throat every half an hour.
  • Use chewing gum without sugar, they stimulate saliva production and prevent halitosis.
  • Before an important meeting, give up meat, cheese, garlic, bow, red wine and coffee. It will help you keep the breath freshness.

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