What is Tachycardia

Many, probably, was heard, but also to worry about such a fortune when it is appropriate to say about the heart that it «jumps out of the chest». We are talking about strong heartbeat, which is most often associated with strong experiences, anxiety, fear, as well as other emotional states, when the heart rate increases dramatically.

The reaction of the rapid heartbeat itself is not dangerous and does not indicate problems with the heart, if it is part of a part, and you can definitely call the reason why the heart rhythm. However, in some cases, accelerated heartbeat may indicate the presence of malfunction of the cardiovascular system.

In medicine, this symptom is called tachycardia (from ancient Greek «Tahos» - Fast I «Cardia» - a heart). Tachycardia is not a separate independent disease, but is classified as a symptom of other diseases, and not always connected with the work of the heart.

Measure the pulse right

Heart disease, tachycardia treatment, heart, heartbeat, tachycardia

A simple way to understand whether the heart rate is normal - regular monitoring of the pulse. To do this, measure the pulse in calm condition: a healthy person has heart rate from 50 to 100 shots per minute. The testimony will not be accurate if the pulse was measured immediately after meals, in the state of emotional unrest, with a cold, accompanied by an increase in temperature and so on. By the way, from here and often found inaccuracy of diagnosis with a full-time doctor at a doctor - the patient's excitement provokes the acceleration of heartbeat. If you have a camdiologist to go to the cardiologist, for a few days, measure the pulse and pressure at home, when nothing bothers and does not care, but at the reception show this data from the doctor.

If, when measuring the pulse in calm conditions, its frequency exceeds 90-100 shots, it makes sense to see a doctor. In such cases, you can talk about the presence of tachycardia, and it may indicate heart disease. The fact is that many cardiovascular diseases develop «silently». Their early diagnosis is precisely in control over the pulse and pressure. Such simple observations available to anyone at home will help keep health for many years.

Physiological Tachycardia

Heart disease, tachycardia treatment, heart, heartbeat, tachycardia

In addition to sinus tachycardia, paroxysmal (ectopic). Only a sinus-atrial node, but also other heart zones affect the frequency. When they strengthen their impulse activity, ectopic tachycardia appears. It happens both stomach and supertoday (that is, atrial). However, such nuances in the power to identify only an electrocardiogram. In absentia, the type of tachycardia is not diagnosed and is not determined.

Paroxysmal tachycardia is a sudden sharp rise in heartbeat, which is usually preceded by a feeling of anxiety and anxiety. Paroxysmal tachycardia is much more dangerous than physiological, because its attack can be combined with the attack of angina (pronounced pain in the heart of the heart), panic attacks (feeling of fear, thoughts of death, strong anxiety of incomprehensible origin), fainting, dizziness and shortness of breath.

An even more dangerous is the fact that this type of tachycardia can hide the development of myocardial infarction - life-threatening condition requiring emergency hospitalization.

Urgently «ambulance»!

Heart disease, tachycardia treatment, heart, heartbeat, tachycardia

It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance if the rate of the pulse during the attack of tachycardia exceeds 140 beats a minute. After removing the ECG, the doctor will be able to determine what caused a paroxysmal attack, and this is vital. Thus, atrial tachycardia can be triggered by a protracted stress and the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia. It is unpleasant, but not fatal to life. But ventricular tachycardia can talk about myocardial infarction, acute intoxication, acute myocarditis and other potentially dangerous to life.

Even if the attack of paroxysmal tachycardia lasted at all long, and it stopped in itself, it is important to turn to the cardiologist. The danger of this type of tachycardia is that the attack can begin at any time and last up to several days, if the symptom did not begin to stop the symptoms under medical control.

Treat or not treated - this is the question

What is fraught with tachycardia, which is not treated and preferred «tolerate» Attacks, «Itself will not pass».

For example, cardiogenic shock. This is a pathological condition in which blood ceases to circulate in the body in normal rhythm. As a result - unconscious condition, fainting. In a number of hazardous effects of tachycardia, also acute heart failure with edema of the lungs, coronary failure and a number of other pathological conditions, which are a direct threat to life. Panic attacks with sharp attacks of fear of death are also a reason call «ambulance».

How to live with tachycardia

If you are no longer acquainted with Tachycardia, then in your power to keep the symptom under control and prevent the development of such serious consequences. Fortunately, Tachycardia allows you to live a full-fledged life and not be afraid of a permanent attack, if a person is ready to follow his body.

To begin with, contact the cardiologist to determine the type of tachycardia and the presence of a major disease that provokes its attacks. In this case, the main therapy will be in the treatment of the disease, the symptom of which is tachycardia. As soon as the reason is eliminated, tachycardia will be held.

Simple and accessible to everyone measures to facilitate its condition during rapid heartbeat:

  • Refusal of strong tea, power engineers, alcohol, habits to stimulate the nervous system of coffee;
  • taking lungs of grasses based on herbs;
  • Compliance with the day: Full Son and rest;
  • Therapeutic gymnastics or on the contrary, full of peace and refusal of physical exertion (depends on the type of tachycardia and the appointment of the doctor);
  • Taking vitamins of potassium and magnesium group.

Medical therapy may also provide for the appointment of antiarrhythmic drugs. It is not recommended to engage in the self-treatment of tachycardia if its attacks are regular and not caused by the natural reactions of the body on external stimuli. Remember that different types of tachycardia require a different therapeutic approach.

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