What is Enurpere? What are the reasons for Enurraw in children? Answers to the questions you will find in the article.
What is Enurpere
Enuresis - this is a problem with which 10-15% of children faces
aged 5 to 12 years. Urine incontinence at night, in the period
sleep, makes it difficult to psychological and social adaptation of children in the family
and children's teams, and persistent involuntary urination at night
Teenagers often lead to difficult medical and social conflicts.
The child at the age of three has not yet learned to control the night
urination, not necessarily that he has enuresis. As shown
Studies, restrain urine at night it turns out: to three years - almost
70% of children, by four years - in 75%, by five years - more than 80%
and only to age eight and a half years old - in 90% of children. Thus,
age to which you can talk about the presence of the child Enurisha must
make up for at least five years.
Distinguish primary and secondary enuresis.
Primary Enurperse is manifested by incontinence at night, in the period
sleep when the child does not wake up when the bladder is overflowing.
Secondary Enuresum arises due to various innate
and acquired diseases and can manifest much from sleep as
day and night.
Causes of Enurraw in children
When solving the problem of Enurisy, it is important to install
the cause of its occurrence - only then the doctor will be able to pick up the most
Effective treatment method.
Among the main reasons are traditionally called
nervous system and bladder. As if they don't work «gear
Devices», which should inform the brain that the bladder
overflow and need to wake up;
Mature delay nervous
Systems (often with various forms of psychoneurological disorders,
For example, with attention deficit syndrome with hyperactivity, violations
behavior in children and adolescents);
- The effect of psychological factors and stress, for example, a change in the situation, the emergence of new faces, separation from Mom, a quarrel in the family;
- heredity.
If the parents of the kid in childhood came across the problem of involuntary
urination, most likely, and the child is waiting for the same fate. At
Diseases in both parents probability of urine incontinence from their child
77%, but if only one of them suffered from the disease, 44%;
- Violations
Rhythm secretion of antidiuretic hormone. This hormone regulates the volume
urine produced: the greater this hormone in the blood, the less urine
Forms. Normally, the level of this hormone rises at night, thereby
Less urine produced. With enuresis, everything happens on the contrary;
- Diseases
urogenital system, such as the narrowing of the urethra
In girls or narrowing the hole of the extreme flesh in boys,
insufficient tank of the bladder (more often functional);
- Urinary tract infections.
In rare cases, night incontinence can be:
- the result of night epileptic seizures;
- symptom of night attacks apnea and partial obstruction of the upper respiratory tract;
- manifestation of a number of endocrine diseases (sugar and nonaxar diabetes, hypo- and hyperthyroidism).
- The result of the side effect of drugs, in particular thiuridazine (Sonpax) and Valproatov.