Reiter syndrome: disease, symptoms, treatment


  • Reuters syndrome
  • Symptoms of Reuters syndrome
  • Diagnostics and treatment of Reiter syndrome

  • Reuters syndrome

    Reiter syndrome - inflammation of the joints and
    Tender joint apparatus, often accompanied by inflammation
    The conjunctivities of the eyes and mucous membranes, most often the mouth, urinary
    paths, genital organs, as well as characteristic rash.

    Reiter syndrome is called reactive arthritis, since
    The inflammation of the joints appears as a reaction to the infectious process in
    another organ. This syndrome is most widely distributed among men
    aged 20 to 40 years.

    There are two forms of Reiter syndrome:

    The first arises as a result of sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia, and is most often found in young men.

    The second is usually evolving in response to an intestinal infection, in
    particular salmonelles. This type of reaction to certain infections
    (Reuters' syndrome development) is explained by genetic
    predisposition: the presence of the same gene, which is found
    people suffering from ankylosing spondylitis. Most people
    These infections do not cause the development of Reiter syndrome.

    Symptoms of Reuters syndrome

    On Reuters syndromeUsually symptoms begin 7-14 days after the start
    infection. As a rule, the first symptom is the inflammation of the urethra
    Channel (Urethra). In men, this inflammation is accompanied by moderate pain
    When urinating and the appearance of seals from the urethra. Sometimes occur
    Inflammation and soreness of prostate.

    Symptoms from the genital organs and urinary tract
    women if they occur, usually light and limited to scarce
    discharge from the vagina or discomfort when urination.

    Conjunctive (shell lining eyelid and covering eye
    Apple) blushes and inflates, itching itch or burning and
    tear. Pain and inflammation in the joints can be like
    insignificant and pronounced. Usually in the process involved
    At the same time, several joints - especially the knee, finger joints
    feet, as well as places where tendons join the bones, for example
    Budgogo bone. In more severe cases, inflammation amazes
    Sustaines of the spine.

    In the mouth, in the language and at the end of the penis appear small
    Painless ulcers. Sometimes the skin can develop
    rash in the form of solid, dense stains, especially on the palms and soles.
    Skin under nails sometimes yellow.

    Most people have initial symptoms disappear after 3 or 4
    month. In half cases, however, arthritis or other symptoms in
    For several years recur. If symptoms are saved or
    often recur by the deformations of the joints and
    Spine. Very small number of people who have undergone rater syndrome,
    become disabled.

    Diagnostics and treatment of Reiter syndrome

    The combination of symptoms from the joints, urinary organs,
    Skin and Eye Indicates Possible Reiter Syndrome. Since these
    Symptoms may not appear simultaneously, the disease is sometimes not
    diagnosed for several months. Ordinary laboratory
    Analyzes cannot reliably confirm the diagnosis. The smear is examined,
    which take from the urethra (urethra), or articular
    liquid, or a biopsy of the joint can be made (taking fabric for
    research under the microscope) to determine the pathogen

    The patient is primarily prescribed antibiotics to cure
    infection, but the treatment is not always successful and its optimal
    Duration of unknown. Arthritis is usually treated Nesteroid
    anti-inflammatory means.

    Sulfasalazine or immunosuppressant methotrexate can
    Used just like with rheumatoid arthritis. Corticosteroids
    usually prescribed not inside, but introduced directly to the inflamed
    the joint that sometimes gives a good effect. Conjunctivitis and ulcers on the skin
    do not require treatment, although ointments are prescribed with serious inflammation
    Corticosteroids or eye drops.

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