Urerette: diagnosis and treatment


  • Ureretrite, Diagnosis of Uretrit
  • Treatment of urethritis

  • Ureretrite, Diagnosis of Uretrit

    Ureretrite is inflammation of the urethra.
    Urethritis meets in men and women. Ureterites are divided into two
    Groups: Specific and nonspecific urethritis. Specific
    Ureterites are caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs -
    Gonococcus, a virus of herpes simplex, chlamydia, trichomonade,
    Mycoplasma, Ureaplasm, rarely Gardnellular. Nonspecific urethritis
    caused by a conditional pathogenic microflora - streptococci,
    staphylococci, intestinal chopsticks, driving, various mushrooms.

    Also urethritis can be primary and secondary.
    When primary urethritis, the inflammatory process begins
    directly from the urethra. With secondary urethritis
    The infection falls into the urethra from the inflammatory hearth in
    another organ (prostate iron, bladder, seed bubbles
    and etc.).

    Contributing factors:

    • Reducing immunity
    • Supercooling
    • General disease
    • Disorder sex life

    Signs of urethritis:

    • rapid, painful urination;
    • discharge (purulent, mucous);
    • imperative (imperative) urination at urination, right up to
      Violations of urine. In acute urethritis, the painting of the disease is pronounced brighter than in chronic.

    Signs of urethritis are painful
    urination, as well as the selection of inserts from the urethra,
    Redness and sticking the edges of his outdoor hole. Also manifest
    urethritis with a torment, burning, itching and any other discomfort

    Urerette: diagnosis and treatment
    Urethritis can leak without highlight
    Urethra, only with unpleasant sensations when urination. In men, in
    power of anatomical features (longer and narrow urethra), more
    Symptoms of urethritis are well felt. In women, the same symptoms of urethritis
    less expressed and may remain unnoticed.

    In acute urethritis - burning and pain
    urination, abundant discharge from the urethra, sponge
    Ureye-solid canal bright red, middle.
    In the torpid urethritis - subjective disorders are weakly pronounced,
    There may be no: paresthesia, itching in the urethra,
    Scooty discharge. In chronic urethritis, symptoms are similar to
    Clinical manifestations of trapid urethritis.

    Total urethritis is inflammation of everything
    Ureyeing Canal. Symptoms of total urethritis are similar to
    Symptoms of prostatitis. If you do not spend timely treatment
    urethritis, then after a while, all the symptoms may disappear themselves
    by himself. And as a rule, each next exacerbation takes place with more
    Noticeable symptoms of urethritis. At the next stage develop
    Complications of urethritis.

    Men urethritis often goes into inflammation
    prostate gland (prostatitis). With chlamydial urethritis and viral
    Urethritis is possible the development of Reiter's syndrome. Also observed
    The following complications of urethritis: inflammation of seed bubbles
    (vesiculitis), inflammation of eggs (orchit), Balanit and Balanopostitis, narrowing
    Ureyeing channel (stricture of urethra). In women most often
    urethritis goes into the inflammation of the bladder (cystitis), or causes
    Violation of vaginal microflora and other inflammatory diseases
    Urinary tract.

    Diagnosis of non-specific urethritis includes:

    • shared smear;
    • sowing separated from urethra,
    • Study of the prostate gland (prostate),
    • Ultrasound, Study of the Salt of Prostate (Prostate).

    Treatment of urethritis

    Treatment of urethritis in most cases comes down to
    appointing antibiotics active in relation to the pathogen allocated
    When crops, as well as the use of various means of immunotherapy. At
    identifying signs of prostatitis need prostatitis treatment. At
    Combination of urethritis with cystitis is carried out by comprehensive treatment,
    comprising physiotherapy. Local treatment of urethritis is carried out mainly
    with chronic gonorrheal urethritis and use instillations in
    Ureye solutions of silver nitrate or collargol solution.

    any kind of urethritis, you need abundant drink, strict adherence
    diet (exclusion of alcohol, acute and salted food). General course of treatment
    Ureterite can continue from several days to several weeks and
    depends on the severity of the disease and its stage.

    Urethritis refers to a group of diseases that
    it is much easier to avoid how to cure. Therefore, for prevention
    urethritis is important to comply with personal hygiene rules, sex hygiene and
    timely treat various inflammatory and general infectious
    Diseases. Under random connections, it is necessary to use a condom
    and barrier products. For the prevention of urethritis, it is necessary regularly
    Deliver analyzes on sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

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