7 reasons for prostatitis


7 reasons for prostatitis

Cause No. 1. Hol


Patients of urologists are now often becoming young people,
preferring too active or extreme rest. Those who
Diving, surfing, catering and skiing. Everything
These types of recreation require serious physical tension and are associated
also with the supercooling of the body. On vacation, you do not notice, but
Then the problems begin.

Cause No. 2. Passive lifestyle

Also prostatitis are most susceptible to residents of large cities leading
Stressful, but a sedentary lifestyle: from the car - for a computer, from
Computer - on the sofa, resulting in in organs of a small pelvis
Circulatory worsens and stagnation arise.

Reason number 3. Non-shaped inflammation

In the development of prostatitis guilty and chronic inflammatory diseases
The body is bronchitis, for example, and focal infections - angina, sinusitis
and even the incredible caries. Difficult bacteria with blood
fall into the prostate, and there is a focus of inflammation.

Cause No. 4. Stress

Prostatitis overtakes in the young age of those who are little gently:
too intensely trains in a fitness club, pushing iron,
It is not sleeping, it feeds irregularly, sits at work from dawn to dawn.
General physical and mental overvoltage leads to a decrease in protective
body forces, and all «Sleeping» infections raise their heads.

Cause No. 5. Sexually transmitted diseases

Well, by itself, risk the health of the prostate those who do not refuse themselves
In the joys of unprotected sex and picks up infections. Nehielded
Gonorrhea, for example, in 80% of cases gives complication in the form of inflammation
prostatic gland.

Cause No. 6. Long abstinence

According to statistics, men who have sex less often 2 times a month,
suffer from stagnant prostatitis 3 times more often those who indulge
Love Utya 2-3 times a week. With long abstinence
Store the secret of prostate, and prostatitis causative agents are activated.

Reason number 7. «Dormant» infection

The health of the kidney, bladder and prostate are tightly connected. TO
Example, unrealized pyelonephritis and cystitis (by the way, in men inflammation
bladder happens no less often than women) are permanent
Source of infection in a small pelvis. And prostate - very sensitive
an organ susceptible to infections.

And sometimes inflammation of the prostate causes… Herpes virus.
Herpety prostatitis may occur as against the background of genital
herpes and fault «Normal» colds on the lips if the work is reduced
Immune system.

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