Food in Ayurveda

The followers of Ayurveda believe that the causes of most diseases lie in violation of the digestive process. As a result, the cells do not receive due amount of nutrients, as a result of which immunity and diseases are reduced freely attack the body.

Ayurveda offers its own only proper nutrition system, which will always be able to stay healthy, vigorous and even extend youth.

Food in Ayurveda

According to the teachings of Ayurveda, any dish is five dosh and as many first elements: earth, air, fire, water, space. Docess is designed to maintain balance, and if their proportions are harmonious, the body does not have any problems. If any dosha comes out of equilibrium, a person has a bad well-being - a headache, whoms in the stomach, appear vomit, the dream is disturbed, and T. D. Knowledge of the basic provisions of Ayurveda will help once and forever gain control over their own organism.

Types of food in Ayurveda

Ayurveda, Indian Medicine, Nutrition, Food in Ayurveda

Depending on the nature of the human design, several types of food distinguish. In some, certain devices and primary elements prevail, in other use of some dosha should be strictly monitored.

Fire Type (Vata).

Fire digestion is characterized by a weak digestive system with frequent «Sprinkles» Activity. Appetite in people with such digestion is irregular and fluctuated from the extreme to extreme. If you can run for days to run in cases, having snapped one sandwich for all day, and the next day you can not break away from the refrigerator, your type is wool.

For such a digestive system, a high stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system is characterized, as well as a high level of hormone production of somatostatin. This causes poor digestion of proteins, reduced to the absorption of nutrients and as a result, susceptibility to thin body. About such people usually say: «Lucky! He can eat kilograms of pork chops, drink beer and not recover from either gram!». But the fires of fire is best abandoned meat due to poor digestibility of proteins. Optimum option - Vegetarian diet. She will help forget about Heartbag and meteorism.

Wind type (Pitt).

Wind type digestion is the most powerful and «Hot». Such people are distinguished by enviable appetite and simply physically can not miss dinner or dinner. They love big portions that are successfully digested if a person is healthy. If the power of digestion is rapidly, it becomes the cause of poor nutrient processing.

Pitt type digestion is characterized by high nervous system stimulation, strong glucagon hormone production. Such people are always hyperactive, but it can provoke poor processing of fats, and excess fat, as you know, creates the largest and most unpleasant health problems - liver disease, gallbladder, Gastritis, Colty, obesity and T.D.

Type of mucus (CAP).

The digestion of the type of caps is very slow, but at the same time the most effective. It seems that the people of the kaps eat very little, but corrected if every night was embarrassed by sweets. The reason lies precisely in a methodic slow digestion. For example, a person is tightly breakfast, and when there is a dinner time, it eats not because it was hungry, but because «So it is necessary», And the portion of lunch is added to the unsewable breakfast.

Increased stimulation of the parasympathetic system helps to digest food, but does it very slowly. Since the food is long in the digestive system, it is better absorbed by saturated cells with a complete set of essential substances. People Kapha can be found in full and dense physique.

Ayurveda teaches that the occurrence of diseases depends on the imbalance of a man of a person, such as digestion and the number of food consumed. Each of us has an individual food rate that implies both the volume and quality of products. People of Kapha with slow digestion should have little, because curious and irregular food can lead to obesity. They are quite enough to eat in the morning and closer in the late afternoon, but not too late.

Effect of dosh

Ayurveda, Indian Medicine, Nutrition, Food in Ayurveda

To always feel good, it is not necessary to sit on diets, absorbing germinated wheat and drinking with key water.

It suffices to follow some rules that will eventually enter the habit:

  1. If you spray with lemon juice, it will digest faster. In addition, lemon acid will give even the most «boring» Original Fresh Taste Dishes. But the main thing is not to rearrange - the overabundance of lemon juice will cause a stomach disorder.
  2. If you are freezing in the cold season, take a little sauerkraut or pickle cucumbers for a rule. When digesting, they will give a lot of heat, warming body from the inside.
  3. Fry food on corn oil because it, in contrast to all other oils, more resistive tolerate high temperatures and does not decompose. Ideally, you can use foam oil. It transfers even reusable incandescent, keeping useful substances in full.
  4. Sprinkle tomatoes sugar. A little bit, of course, but a slightly cane sugar will give tomatoes and dishes with tomatoes soft pleasant taste.
  5. Ayurveda, Indian Medicine, Nutrition, Food in Ayurveda

  6. Eat fresh food. Cook borsch for a week ahead seems good idea only at first. Actually the food is considered useful if her «age» does not exceed 3 hours.
  7. Forget about canned food. And no matter whether it is a fish, stew or pineapples - there is nothing useful in canned food. Moreover, such a way to keep the products imposes your imprint in the form of preservatives, dyes and other completely non-disabilities. Canned food can be compared with an empty shell and no more, while fresh mushrooms, meat or fruits have their own spirit.
  8. In the mornings indulge yourself sweet. It does not mean that your breakfast should consist of cakes. Fruits, juices, some vegetables contain a lot of glucose. Lunch must combine 6 flavors - salty, sweet, bitter, sour, tart and sharp. But the dinner is advisable to make the most neutral, so as not to disturb the taste tired for the whole day.

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