This problem for a man: infertility and its reasons


  • For infertility in a man — Cause of childlessness of a pair
  • Male infertility options: causes and forms
  • Testicular infertility
  • Post-Stresticular causes of infertility

  • Infertility in men - the cause of childlessnessThey say each man in his life should plant a tree, build a house and grow a son. And if with the first two tasks, if desired, almost every representative of the strong sex is coping with, then, unfortunately, when solving the last of them, up to 8% of men on Earth are faced with serious problems. And this figure does not take into account those who resigned with infertility and preferred not to share their problem with doctors.

    For infertility in a man — Cause of childlessness of a pair

    Infertility — Not just the absence of children, it is diagnosed in the event that a pair actively living in sexual life without the use of contraceptive means for a year has difficulty conception. Slightly clarify the concept «Active sex life», For one this daily sex, for another — a couple of times a month. In case of infertility — «Active» means at least 1 time per week.

    According to statistics in 40% of cases of the absence of children in a couple, it is guilty of men's infertility. The reasons for it may be different, at first glance, harmless and easily overcome, or so significant that they cannot be eliminated.
    Male infertility, as actually female, can be absolute and relative. With absolute infertility, a man will have to come to terms, if he has been removed seed gland. Other options for infertility are potentially relative, require in-depth diagnostics to search for causes and solving the problem.

    Male infertility options: causes and forms

    Male infertility options: CausesThe process of forming full-fledged spermatozoa is quite complicated and controlled by a hormone-producing part of the brain — pituitary-hypothalamic system. Sex cells that are formed in the testicular are ripening along the way to seed bubbles, but the absence of problems in this part of production does not guarantee successful fertilization. The reproductive ability of a man affects the condition of all male bodies and the whole organism as a whole.

    What causes infertility in men, the reasons for this problem?

    1. Hypothalamic-pituitary disorders arising from the brain at the level of hormonal regulation of spermatogenesis.
    2. Testicular, associated with testicles.
    3. Post-counseling, arising in the course of the movement of sperms from the egg before the exit of the urethra.
    4. Immunological with the presence of antispermal antibodies that kill spermatozoa.
    5. Ejaculatory disorders, that is, the problem of ejaculation.
    6. Sexual disorders «Delivery» Sperm in the genitals of women, such as erectile dysfunction and reduced sexual attraction.

    The ability of a man to continue the genus a negative impact:

    • unfavorable ecological situation;
    • stress;
    • reception of drugs in high doses;
    • smoking;
    • alcohol intake;
    • Drug use.

    Testicular infertility

    Testolar infertility arises for diseases of the egg and its inertia.

    • Varicose veins of frozen and seed rope (varicocele).
    • Cryptorchism, bilateral not eliminated or eliminated rather late when the seed-producing tissue of the testicles was already atrophied.
    • Twisted eggs, leading to a sharp impaired of its function.
    • Orchitis or inflammation of the eggs, as a result of which spermatozoa precursor cells die.
    • Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism — underdevelopment of eggs.
    • Genetic causes that cause violation of the formation of the sexual system and the formation of testicles.
    • Androgen resistance when the spermatogenic epithelium of the testicles remains deaf to hormonal signals, proclaiming the formation of genital cells.
    • The unstructive azoospermia, the condition in which the products of the sperm are not broken, the movement of them by the seed-to-the-way paths is not difficult, but it is not detected at the output «no one» a live instance capable of continuing.

    Post-Stresticular causes of infertility

    These reasons lead to a violation of the maturation of spermatozoa, their death, weakening their fertilizing ability, and also prevents the movement of sperms according to seeding flows.

    • Infections of genital organs, especially flowing for a long and hidden, for example, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, cytomegalovirus infection, herpes.
    • Non-specific inflammation of prostate, urethra and seed bubbles.
    • No appendage of eggs in which «Rosile» spermatozoa, and duct, through which they come out of the egg.
    • Blockage of seed-handing ducts or their removal.

    Finally, there are options when the reasons for the reducing reproductive function cannot be established, the so-called idiopathic infertility. In any case, to get the final diagnosis, you must contact the urologist and go through a full examination.

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