Loss of sexual power


  • Impotence at all times
  • Tsar David
  • Middle Ages
  • Impotence treatment

  • Impotence at all times

    «Impotence» Term of Latin origin. For the first time it was used in 1420 in the Poem Thomas Hock «DE REGIMINE PRINCIPUM» in meaning «lack of power» or «helplessness»: «His impotence extends not so far as his influence». And in meaning «Loss of sexual power» The term was first used only in 1655 in «History of the Church in Britain» Thomas Fuller, where the impotent was named Pope itself. But, of course, the problem of male sexlessness existed long before the word appeared «impotence».

    Tsar David

    As it is neither paradoxical, the first mention of sex impotence can be found in the Bible, namely in the Old Testament. I suffered from this ailment Tsar David, who brought the god to criminal love bond. Here is how it was. King David picked up his devotee of the warrior of Uriya Hetteyanin. As a result of the carnal joy, the wrong wife became pregnant. Sly Tsar, deciding to hide shame, sent her husband to a dangerous campaign, where he found his death. Not long thought, David took a widowed mistress in his wife and, it would seem, everything should be good. But the misdemeanor of the crop king the name of God: «Why do you neglected the word of the Lord, having made evil before?». And in the punishment of God «Talled the sword of David», And he confused his male strength.

    In those harsh times, a king, not capable of continuing the kind, could well lose the throne, so the advisers of David sent a beautiful young girl to the king, in the hope that she would return to him sexual potency. «The girl was very beautiful, and she walked for the king, and served him; But the king did not know her» (III Book of Kingdoms, 1: 4). So the great king became the first in the history of the impotent.

    For many centuries, people have not matured with impotence and sought ways to treat. Ancient Greeks and Egyptians have their recipes. Greek Lekari recommended the dope seeds as medicine and male fern flowers, which attributed to take inside and use as a lotion and wraps. The results of such treatment were not always satisfactory, however, Lekary did not give up.

    Middle Ages

    Loss of sexual powerAn unexpected turn in the understanding of sexlessness occurred in the Middle Ages, when sexual problems began to take the competence of the church rather than medicine. The main cause of impotence church authorities called the effect of demonic forces. In 1486, the infamous treatise was released «Hammer witch», in which it was directly stated that sexual impotence is the result of magician spells that are satisfied with witches. The book has recommended several methods of cure, of which the most reliable is to find and destroy the witch. Medieval impotents perceived advice literally and Zhano took to get rid of the reasons for their love failures.

    Approximately at the same time another work was published concerning sex impotence and its treatment - «A brief treatise on people who, being affected by a whaleman, are unable to interference with wives». It described in detail the ways that witch are satisfied with damage to men. At the same time, the treatise also offered some means of dealing against the witchcraft char. According to the authors of the treatise, regular prayers helped from impotence, spraying the walls of the house of dog blood and the observation around the house of fishing bile.

    A more progressive view on the problem of impotence appeared only in a hundred years. In 1563, Dr. Johann Weier suggested that sexual powerlessness is not necessarily the result of the action of evil charity, and may arise due to natural reasons, as well as to be a side effect of using some drugs. However, as all new, Weein's ideas were not even immediately enlightened by. And among the ordinary people, the connection of impotence with witchcraft seemed easier and clearer than mysterious «Natural reasons», so she admitted until the XIX century.

    In Russia, the problem of sexlessness was disturbed by men at no less than in the West. «Whose man will not stand Mahir, and you take the brain from the bone, isotley in the water and give a man to Piti. Because there will be Mikhir standing», - This is how recommended to treat impotence (it is «Nevstanich») in the handwritten hospital of the XVIII century. Domestic characteristics offered others, no less exotic recipes for male impotence. For example, it was proposed «smear» A mixture of chicken heart with a deer lard or eat thirty stews in a pot of sparrows. How effective such methods were effective, the story is silent. Also popular with the Russian people used conspiracies: like those that were delivered from impotence and those with which it could be sent. The most interesting thing is that even in our days in remote villages, such conspiracies are still used.

    The scientific approach in the study of impotence arose only by the end of the XIX century. For the study of impotence, not the signs and priests, but doctors and scientists. First serious work on impotence: «Field weakness of men» (1883) belonged to the American William Hammond. He believed that the cause of impotence is masturbation and early sexual bonds. The higher the sexual activity of the patient, the faster it will spend it and gets sick sex.

    Impotence treatment

    The treatment of impotence was two types: hygienic and medical. The first included not only the refusal of sexual activity during the year, but also «Constratus from lustful thoughts». Additionally attributed various types of shower and special exercise. Of particular importance was attached to the strictest ban to sleep on the back. As the prevention of impotence, Hamond recommended not to start sex life until 21 years, and after limited to three sexy contacts per month. Now it is already known that Hammond was mistaken, but the century ago his ideas were adopted on a bang.

    Insited by the Puritanin Physician inventors by the end of the XIX century patent dozens of antimasturbation devices. They looked like peculiar «belt loyalty» - Iron covers for penis and testicles fastening to the belt. Haped times have come from representatives of strong sex, especially considering that the actual treatment of impotence on Hammond was to apply the electric current discharges to the sexual organs. Yes, and other doctors have not lagged behind and offered to treat impotence by migrations, massage, penis beatens by rogue and nettle.

    Twentieth century can be considered an age of the fight against impotence. First of all, masturbation was rehabilitated, the causes of sexual impotence began to divide into psychological and physical, and, having broken down with the causes of the disease, were transferred to its integrated treatment.

    Traditionally, under the word «impotence» most often implies the inability to reach erection or keep it. In the life of any normal man, such a confusion can sometimes happen, but it is absolutely not a sign of illness. And only when the exception becomes the rule, it's time to beat the alarm. By the way, not so long ago, doctors agreed once and forever get rid of the degradation of the Men's dignity of the term «impotence», Now problems with the erection will be called «Erectile dysfunction». Let not be very clear, but not so hurt.

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