What is varicocele


  • Question # 1
  • Question # 2
  • Question number 3
  • Question number 4

  • Question # 1. What is varicocele?

    Varicocele – This is the expansion of the vein seed rope. Seed rocket
    – Tubular education in which the seed-to-borne duct is
    which spermatozoids are thrown into the urethra, and
    also artery and veins.

    Through the veins of the seed cord, the blood from the eggs flows into
    Main Viennes – lower hollow and kidney vein. As a result
    Asymmetry of imposition, as well as due to anatomical
    features, the extension of the veins is most often observed on the left (in 80-90
    percent cases). Less often the varicocele arises on the right and even less often happens

    In varicocele, the extension of the veins has the same mechanism as
    varicose disease (the root of these words is the same). Often
    Varicocele, varicose disease and hemorrhoids are encountered together.

    Question # 2. Why varicocele arises?

    The cause of the expansion of the veins of the seed canopa is
    improper development of the wall of the vein, which in the case of varicocele has
    flawed valves, and often devoid of them completely. Predisposing k
    Varicocele factors are congestive phenomena in a small pelvic organs –
    constipation, irregularity of sexual life, severe physical work.

    There is a kind of varicocele called «secondary
    varicocele». Due to the development of the tumor in the abdominal cavity or
    Ranishitonean space disturbed blood outflow from the veins of seed
    cord. As a result, the extension of the venous wall occurs.
    Such a kind of illness makes carefully examine the patient,
    suffering from varicocele, in order to eliminate such a serious pathology,
    as a kidney tumor, as well as other tumor diseases.

    Question number 3. As varicocele is manifested?

    What is varicocele
    The manifestations of varicocele are directly dependent on the value
    Expansion of vessels. At the first stage of the disease, there are usually no manifestations
    Diseases are not marked. Often varicocele in this stage is found
    with preventive inspections (if of course surgeon or urologist
    examines the patient properly). In a vertical position
    Touch extended veins. When moving to horizontal position
    veins fall and become invisible.

    At the second stage of varicocele, which can be quite
    natural consequence of the lack of treatment of the first stage, veins
    expand to a greater extent. They descend in the form of a slope below
    Lower Pole Yachika. In case of inspection, asymmetry is detected. Egg on
    The side is lowered, as a result of what the corresponding half of the scrotum
    disperses. Sick complains of pain that can be completely
    Various intensity – From awkwardness when walking to sharp pain
    Neuralgia. Some patients have a feeling of burning in the area
    scrotum, as well as reinforced sweating. No rare the decrease in sex

    At the third stage of pain constant and worried outside the physical
    Load – Alone at night. The scrotum is increased due to numerous «Ground» veins, which descend significantly below the lower pole
    Yachka. In many studies, it was proved that in this state in
    The egg is a spermatogenesis – Summatozooid formations,
    Although the atrophy of the eggs occurs rarely.

    Question number 4. How to treat varicocele?

    The treatment of varicocele must precede the survey. Considering that
    The circumstance is that the expansion of the vein seed can be
    consequence of tumors of retroperitoneal space and small pelvis, required
    Survey. Includes such a survey at least ultrasound
    study. In the event of suspicion of ultrasound complement by other methods

    Varicocele of the first stage does not require treatment. Enough enough
    The cause of stagnant phenomena in a small pelvis (chronic constipation, exception
    heavy exercise and other.) And everything falls into its place. W
    the elderly wearing suspension is very useful.

    At the second stage, especially when the disease is accompanied by pronounced
    Poles, conservative treatment is not enough. Necessary needed
    intervention, which is practically not avoided at the third stage

    There are several methods for the treatment of varicose veins
    Seed cake. All these methods can be divided into three groups:
    excision veins, raising eggs, as well as blockage of veins from within

    Indications for surgical intervention in varicocele are the following circumstances:

    • Violation of sperm quality
    • Pain
    • Cosmetic defect
    • Termination of the growth of the affected eggs during sex maturation

    Exciration veins involves removing extended veins. The complexity of such
    operations is that it is necessary to preserve the venous outflow and
    At the same time remove extended veins. Raising operations
    Eggs allow you to improve blood outflow from veins and thereby solve
    Problem. Embolization implies the blockage of veins from the inside with
    Special materials. Unlike other transgeneous methods
    Embolization is an effective, safe method. Such a technique
    allows you to quickly recover the patient after the intervention.

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