5 steps to a healthy heart


  • Eat more fish and greenery
  • Reduce fat consumption
  • Evaluate your risk
  • Move more
  • Stop smoking

  • Eat more fish and greenery

    5 steps to a healthy heart
    Foreign products rich antioxidants, such as grenades, blueberries, tomatoes, spinach. «Antioxidants reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases due to the anti-inflammatory effect they have on the blood vessels», - says Marisa Moore, a representative of the American Dietary Association. They help get rid of plaques in the arteries, keeping the vessels clean

    Many fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, bananas and mushrooms, contain many potassium, which helps adjust blood pressure. Dr. Moore recommends there are five - nine servings of vegetables and fruits per day. It is desirable that these were three different types of vegetable and two types of fruits. «Diversity gives you a healthy balance of nutrients in which you need,»- says Dr. Mur.

    In addition, you need to make a habit to include fat fish, such as salmon, sardines, rainbow trout. Dr. Moore says that 100-120 grams of fish twice a week is a great way to get the required amount of omega-3 fatty acids. They help reduce the risk of heart disease due to a decrease in blood pressure and the number of triglycerides in the blood.

    Reduce fat consumption

    5 steps to a healthy heartLow fat diet is kinda «shield» against heart disease.

    Reduce the consumption of saturated fats to 7 percent of the general calorie food.

    «Saturated fats are contained in oil, meat and all-milk products», - Says Nika Goldberg, Doctor of Medicine, Director of the Women's Heart Center at the University of Lagona Medical Center in New York.

    It is necessary to remove trans-fats from the diet if possible, as they contribute not only to raising the level of harmful cholesterol, but also to reduce the level of good cholesterol. Trans-fats should be no more than 1 percent of the daily diet. The main sources of these fats are margarine, oil, fried dishes and cookies, so be careful.

    Full list of products for lowholesterol diet you will find in the article «High cholesterol problem: proper nutrition for a healthy heart»

    Evaluate your risk

    5 steps to a healthy heartIt is very important to regularly check the level of cholesterol and blood sugar content for assessing the risk of diabetes.

    «Normal blood pressure must be less than 120/80», - says Goldberg. In addition, knowledge of risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases will help you adjust the diet and fitness program.

    Another way to assess the risk is to turn to the history of your family. «Risk increases, if in your family a woman up to 65 years or men under the age of 50 have heart disease», - says Goldberg.

    The risk of developing heart disease is 17 percent, if your father had heart disease, and abruptly increases to 43 percent, if such a disease suffered from your mother.
    And even if you hold a healthy nutrition, play sports, the risk of occurrence of heart disease increases to 82 percent, if both parents had heart disease. «Knowing your risks allows you to take care of your health», - says Michel A. Albert, doctor of medicine, doctor of a briem and a female hospital and associate professor at the Harvard Military Medical School. «It also means you are ready to do something to reduce the risk of disease. It can be both drug treatment and simply changing the style of life,» - She says.

    Move more

    5 steps to a healthy heartDo not like intense training? Even walking within 30 minutes a day will help strengthen your heart.

    Exercises are capable of increasing in the blood The content of high density lipoproteins is widely known as «good» cholesterol, as well as reduce the number of low-density lipoproteins, also known as «bad» cholesterol. These two types of cholesterol in combination with triglycerides and make up the total amount of cholesterol, which should be less than 200.

    «The number of low density lipoproteins should be less than 100, and low density lipoproteins - above 50», - Says an American specialist in the field of heart disease Andzhett Ferris, Doctor of Medicine, Associate Professor at Connecticut University.

    The more you exercise, the more your chances to lower cholesterol levels.

    Stop smoking

    5 steps to a healthy heartIt's time to refuse cigarettes. Forever and ever. Besides the facts that they cause cancer, roads and badly smell, they can kill you. It is known that smokers are two - four times more often sick ischemic heart disease. This is because nicotine contained in tobacco narrows the artery, increases blood pressure, causes blood thickening, contributing to the occurrence of a heart attack.

    And even if you do not care about your own health and do not want to stop in time, then you should think about the health of the people who surround you. The impact of passive smoking can lead to heart disease, even in non-smoking people.

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