In the ring - a doctor and hypertension: whose party you are?


  • The most human
  • Not only from nerves
  • When to beat the alarm?
  • What promotes hypertension?
  • Whose tonometer is better?
  • Minus kilograms - minus risk
  • Unprofitable smoking
  • Movement against stress
  • Herbatherapy
  • Work on bugs

    The most human

    We work with hypertension patients for several years and was convinced that one of the main problems is a lack of knowledge about his illness. Few of the sick hypertension imagines themselves, on what patterns of life, he needs to pay attention. Hypertension is «Human itself of all human diseases». So called her Russian scientist f.BUT. Andreev back in 1947. Today, the prevalence of this disease is such that every third-fifth resident of the planet suffers.

    What is the result of such an increase in the incidence of hypertension? First of all, no doubt is the fact that this disease is a disease of civilization. Mental processes inherent in organisms with a high level of organization of the nervous system. In the evolutionary process of the greatest development, they achieved only in humans. This is «Evolutionary acquisition» gave rise to a lot of problems for all mankind.

    Not only from nerves

    As a result of neurosis overvoltages and conflicts, neurosis occurs - typical psychodia.

    In the ring - doctor and hypertension: whose party?There are several forms of neurosis: neurasthenia (nervous overwork, exhaustion); hysteria; Neuroses of obsessive states (fear of closed spaces - claustrophobia and others.); Motor neurosis (manifested by various motor disorders - ticks, stuttering, etc.); Vegetative neurosis (vegetative dystonia).

    For us, more important in terms of the formation of hypertension has the latter, although it is impossible to exclude the role and other forms of neuroses, consider them isolated. Vegetative dystonia is manifested by a more or less selective violation of the functions of the internal organs (these are functional disorders).

    Most often, the dysfunction of cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems is observed. Cardiovascular disorders are manifested by sweating, pain in the region of the heart (these are cardioneesurosis), the instability of blood pressure and pulse, sometimes there are vascular crises that are accompanied by a chip-like treasure, tachycardia (heart rate), increase pressure.

    It is well known that the outcome of stress can be favorable - after transferring stressful situations the body is fully restored due to the inclusion of compensation. If stress is stretched in time or has more power, Distress develops (unfavorable, chronic stress).

    Compensation in this case does not work and gradually goes into pathology. Thus, there is a persistent increase in pressure, tachycardia and t.D. Such a mechanism for the occurrence of hypertension is one of theories. Today there are also a genetic theory according to which there are significant genes that contribute to the establishment of hypertension under certain conditions. Russian scientist Yu.IN. Invited the concept of a cell membrane defect concept, according to which the membrane of cells underlying the walls of the vessels becomes super-permeable for calcium and sodium ions - such cells in response to any irritants from outside and from the inside are compared with increased excitement with spasm.

    All theorests presented above explain the origin of primary, or essential hypertension (or, as they used to be called, hypertension). Hypertension can also be a symptom of any disease. Most often it is the pathology of the kidneys - the so-called «renal» hypertension. In addition, endocrine diseases can be given to the development of hypertension, the pathology of the vessels (sickness of suchc, atherosclerosis), etc.

    When to beat the alarm?

    What pressure should be considered increased? Previously, this question caused a lot of discussion. However, in 1999, WHO and the International Society for Hypertension (Could) on the basis of major research conducted throughout the world gave clear criteria for hypertension. The optimal level of pressure for all age groups was declared 120/80 mm RT.Art and lower. Normal pressure is within 130/85 and less.

    Pressure 130-139 / 85-89 mm.RT.Art., which was previously considered as normal, now refer to increased normal pressure. Therefore, if your pressure is 140/90 mm RT.Art., This is the signal to appeal to the doctor in order to prevent the development of the disease. Remember: today there are no such concepts as «working» or familiar pressure!

    What promotes hypertension?

    Of course, risk factors. These include:

  • smoking
  • obesity
  • High cholesterol
  • Stress
  • sedentary lifestyle

    These are the so-called modifiable risk factors, t.E. those factors that we can change.

    Whose tonometer is better?

    It must be assimilated that patients with hypertension must constantly monitor the pressure level. This is done with a tonometer. Today there are many models of tonometers - mechanical (sphygmomanometers) and electronic (automatic and semi-automatic). The latter are very convenient to use, compact. Often you have to hear: which electronic tonometer is better to purchase: automatic or semi-automatic?

    Ilna Ring - doctor and hypertension: Whose side on whose side?I always recommend purchasing a semi-automatic tonometer, t.To. It is different from «automatic» the fact that the air into the cuff is injected manually, as in a conventional tonometer, and the pressure of the machine determines automatically. In addition to pressure, it will show the pulse frequency. Stand semi-automatic tonometers cheaper «Automatov», And on the quality of pressure measurement, they do not infer. I would like to warn you from buying automatic tonometers worn on the wrist, t.To. they give big errors in measurement.

    To date, many hypertension treatment programs have been developed, including domestic - Dag1. It is for these programs that hypertension is treated. The doctor will select the most appropriate. However, it is necessary to remember that the main emphasis should be done on the risk factors that are listed above. This is a refusal to smoking, fight overweight, avoiding neuropsychic overvoltages, increasing the motor regime.

    Minus kilograms - minus risk

    Reducing body weight per 1 kg helps reduce blood pressure per 1 mm RT.Art., And the risk of myocardial brain strokes and infarction decreases in 8 (!) once. If we reduce the weight, then the problem of hypertension can solve itself, but if there is a resistant consolidation of increased pressure, then it will be possible to reduce the dose of drugs to reduce pressure to reduce pressure.

    Unprofitable smoking

    Smoking is a proven risk factor. So, smokers are much more often observed diseases such as atherosclerosis and hypertension. In addition, if the sick hypertension is a smokers, then the risk of strokes and infarction is significantly increased. Meticulous Americans calculated that each smoker costs medicine per day by 3 dollars more expensive than non-smoking, t.To. gets more often, harder and longer, but it works worse and less. At the conclusion of the insurance contract, the agent will surely ask if you smoke. If yes, then the proposed conditions will be less beneficial, t.To. Most insurance companies consider smoking as a serious risk factor.

    Movement against stress

    How to be with stress? We live in heavily when it is difficult to avoid stressful situations. In this case, motor exercises help. Domestic physiologists have proven that there is a so-called protective arousal that occurs when driving. This protective excitement has properties to quench stressful states. This helps run, skiing, swimming, etc. sports. Finally just long walking. It is necessary to expand the motor regime. The appearance of personal vehicles sharply reduces the motor regime, hypodynamine arises that promotes the development of a distress (adverse stress).

    In addition to motor exercises in the fight against neuropsychiatric overvoltage, phytotherapy can help. I will give a recipe: Valerian's infusion - 1 st.Spoon on 2 glasses of boiling water, insist 40 minutes, strain, take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day. Improvement from phytotherapy occurs in the 2-3rd week. Resistant effect can be obtained with long and regular reception (6-8 months).

    There are situations where the drug correction of nervous overvoltage is required. In this case, it is necessary to strictly fulfill all the recommendations of the doctor, since each drug is selected individually.


    I would like to recommend some medicinal fees. They are safe with long-term reception and give a good effect.

    At elevated pressure:
    Hawthorn (flowers) - 1 part
    Valeriana (root) - 1 part
    Horsetail field - 1 part
    SOUNTER (Grass) - 1 part
    Motherboard - 5 pieces.

    Two tablespoons of collection pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 2 hours. Apply 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

    To improve cerebral circulation:
    Dormon (Grass) - 3 parts
    Dashtroke (grass) - 6 parts
    Hawthorn (Fruits, Flowers) - 4 parts
    Tollga (Flowers, Grass) - 3 parts
    Valerian (root) - 2 parts
    Horsetail (grass) - 1 part.

    Two tablespoons of collecting pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 2 hours. Drink a third cup 3 times a day.

    With atherosclerosis:
    Aclicity (leaf) - 3 parts
    Kalina (fruits) - 3 parts
    Cranberry (sheet) - 5 parts
    Raspberry (leaf) - 5 parts
    Hawthorn (fruits) - 4 parts

    Two tablespoons of collection pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist in thermos 2 hours. Take up to a third of a glass 3 times a day.

    These fees are safe in use, but They do not in any way replace medicinal treatment! You must inform your attending physician about those charges that you accept, T.To. On their background, it may be necessary to reduce the dose of drugs that reduce and control the pressure.

    Work on bugs

    What are possible errors that allow patients in the treatment of hypertension?
    1) episodic reception of antihyperTonitive drugs, and not permanent. To date, it is proved that the treatment of hypertension should be lifelong. No course techniques of drugs - only so you can minimize the risk of vascular disasters.
    2) the choice of a hypotensive drug is not on the recommendation of the doctor, but on the advice of friends or acquaintances. Selection of drugs are strictly individual and what helps your friend can be ineffective for you.In the ring - doctor and hypertension: whose party?
    3) refusal of treatment if there is no quick effect. The effectiveness of the antihypertonene effect of the drug is estimated on average after 7-10 days of its regular reception.
    4) independent abolition of the drug. Here the patients have a stereotype: if the pressure turns out to be on normal numbers, why then drink medication? The fact is that modern drugs not only reduce pressure, but also contribute to maintenance at a normal level during a long time. If on the background of treatment you will have normal pressure numbers, it means that treatment is selected qualitatively and it should not be interrupted.

    The doctor will tell you the numbers of the target pressure to which you should strive. In addition, there are drugs that, with a sudden cessation of admission, cause the effect of a ricochet - a sharp increase in pressure, up to a chisosis. Therefore, the drug must be purchased in advance, without waiting, while the last tablet goes into the move.

    Thus, with proper treatment of hypertension, it is possible to minimize the occurrence of its formider complications - strokes and infarction. This will help you a doctor who is always your ally and like-minded person. However, the effect of treatment will largely depend on you: this is a struggle with risk factors and accurate fulfillment of all recommendations given by the doctor.

    So, there are two - a doctor and illness in the ring. On whose side you will set - he will win!

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