Congenital heart defects: aortic stenosis, aortic coarse


  • Aorti Stenosis
  • Capacation of Aorta

  • Aorti Stenosis

    Through aortic valve «Alaya» Arterial blood is thrown out of the left ventricle in the aorta (the largest artery, carrying blood from the heart to body organs). Stenosis (narrowing) of the aortic valve causes the heart to decline stronger to push the blood in the aorta, the heart turning is developing, but, nevertheless, the blood flow on the aorta can often be broken.

    Congenital heart defects: aortic stenosis, aortic coarseThe stenosis of the aortic valve occurs with its incorrect formation. The normal valve has three sash, the changed valve can only have one (single) or two (bivalve) sash, which is also thickened and inelastic.

    Sometimes stenosis is very heavy and its symptoms are manifested in early childhood. But most children with stenosis aortic symptoms have no long time at all. In others, there are pain in the chest, fast fatigue, dizziness or even fainting.

    Surgery. The need for an operation depends on the severity of the vice. The operation can expand the valve hole, reduce or eliminate the stenosis, but the valve still remains deformed. Sometimes it is required to replace it with artificial.

    Recently, to eliminate this vice, children apply a new procedure — Balloon valvaloplasty. During catheterization, a special catheter with a cylinder is introduced into the vascular channel, which is promoted to a sedentary or narrowed valve. When filling the cylinder, the valve is opened and the diameter of its opening increases. The results of these procedures are currently being studied.

    Children with stenosis of aortic valve needed in careful medical supervision. Even moderate stenosis can increase with time. If surgery and makes relief, this does not mean that the stenosis is completely eliminated. After the operation, the valve continues to work not quite normally. Some patients have to be limited in physical activity.

    Capacation of Aorta

    Congenital heart defects: aortic stenosis, aortic coarseIn this case, Aorta (the main artery, extinguishing blood on the body) has a narrowing or impassable. It blocks blood flow from the heart to the authorities of the bottom half of the body. It also increases blood pressure above the location of the narrowing. Usually, at birth, no symptoms are observed, but they may appear during the first week of life.

    The infant may appear stagnant heart failure or dramatically increase blood pressure, which will sooner will require the execution of the operation. But the operation may be postponed. Children with a heavy form of coarctation, the operation is needed in early childhood. This will prevent complications, such as, for example, arterial hypertension.

    Surgery. Plok can be corrected in several ways. First — Removal of the narrowed aorta. The second way lies in the imposition of a patch for a narrowed plot. In this case, the flap of the vascular wall artery of the hand or synthetic material is used. The postoperative forecast is generally favorable, however, the prolonged observation of specialists for the child is still required.

    In rare cases, coaching may appear again. Then there may be another procedure. During catheterization in the area of ​​coarctation, a special catheter is introduced with a cylinder, then the canister is filled, which leads to a disgraced area. Currently, the remote results of this procedure are being studied. Some time after eliminating stenosis, blood pressure can still remain elevated.

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