Five rules of a healthy heart


  • Cardiac food
  • Workout
  • Alcohol
  • Slender waist
  • Cigarettes for prohibition

  • Cardiac food

    Rule 1. Eat greens, fruits, grains and products with minimal heat treatment.

    Fruit-grain vegetables – These are vitamins and fiber, which improves the work of the body as a whole, slow down the development of atherosclerosis and cholesterol deposition on the walls of the vessels. Fish, especially oily sea (trout, mackerel, mackerel, herring), extremely rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Northern peoples, in whose menu, sea fish occupies an important place, suffer from cardiovascular diseases almost 2 times less often. According to the latest research, the regular use of omega-3 minimizes the risk of a sudden stop of the heart.


    Rule 2. Do sports daily, walk, run, rude by bike.

    Five rules of a healthy heart

    Workouts help keep all muscle in tone, including heart. During physical exertion, glucose is processed faster, substances are consumed, which by the law of admission are deposited in the most problematic places.

    There are special aerobic exercises for the heart and vessels. This run, walking, swimming. Main condition – engage at least 30 minutes at a time, ideally – 40-50. In the fitness club, there are cardiotrymen: steppers (imitation of walking on the stairs), a treadmill, cycling and elliptic exercise equipment. Do not love simulators – Ride on a bike in the park, run or just walk, ignore the elevators. Watch out for the pulse: During the workout, it should be 110-130 shocks per minute.


    Rule 3. Moderately use alcohol.

    Notice, it is not about how to refuse alcohol. Keyword – «moderation». Glass of dry red wine per day – Say, at dinner, in a good company – heart only benefit. Red wine is rich in polyphenola – Strong antioxidants contained in grape bones. According to the latest studies conducted at the University of Florida, moderate alcohol taking (1-7 servings per week) reduces the risk of infarction and stroke by 30%.

    However, scientists clarify: alcohol brute force much worse than complete abstinence. Safe norm – 20 g per day translated into pure ethyl alcohol. In the wine equivalent it is a glass, in beer – 0.33 L.

    Slender waist

    Rule 4. To have a healthy heart, it is important to have a waist. In any case, the amount of the waist should not exceed the volume of the hips, which, in turn, should fit into the average office chair.

    In addition to jokes, «correct» Weight avoids numerous health problems that eventually reflect on the work of the heart. Waist more 89 cm – Real threat. Familiar teacher of the medical institute called it «Fat chain»: Too a lot of fatty fabric – Relative insulin deficiency – Glucose concentration increases in the blood (type 2 diabetes mellitus) – The level of cholesterol rises – Atherosclerosis occurs, pressure rises.

    More often, events in people with abdominal obesity are developing in such a chain – That is, when fat is postponed mainly on the waist. From this point of view to be «Woman-pear» (waist is already hips) much better than being «Female apple» (waist wider thighs). We must do the waist!

    Cigarettes for prohibition

    Rule 5. Throw smoking.

    Usually in the tobacco antichalame show sozhy impregnated. In fact, smoking harms and many other organs, primarily the heart. Whether my will, I would have shown a large scar in the anticraft tobacco, staying on the heart after a heart attack. According to WHO, smoking – The second after atherosclerosis factor leading in coronary heart disease.

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