Surgical treatment of Walgus Stop deformation


    The basic principle of the operational treatment of the Valgus deformation of the thumb of the foot is that the urgethrope or the edge of the first Plus-Falanguage joint is carried out (the very bustle), as well as the removal and comparison of soft tissues and bones in order to reduce pain and restore the normal configuration of the joint.

    Among the existing operations, at the same time, physiological, that is, those that normalize the arms of the foot, the bone axes and the relationship in the joints, the other operations are purely mechanically eliminate the existing deformation, not eliminating the causes of its development.

    With severe deformation of the advantage of plyoplaning joint, methods of fixing it using various materials: wire, screws, seams or plates. However, there is no complete guarantee for the success of surgical intervention in this deformation.

    Operation to correct the valgus deformation of the thumbs of the foot is usually carried out under local anesthesia. The duration of the operation depends on its complexity and the selected method and can take about 1 hour and more.

    Types of operations on the foot at Valgus deformation

    Surgical treatment of Walgus Stop deformationAs already mentioned, there are quite a few types of operational interference with the Valgus deformation of the thumb. List them:

    • Excision of a part of the head of the first tie bone, that is, the bone department, at the expense of which the notorious lumps are formed. This operation is called excoctomy, that is, the excision of bone outflow. This is the most frequent operational intervention about the Valgus deformation of the thumb.
    • Restoration and comparison of ligaments around the first Plus-Favaling joint (the place of the thumbnails of the foot with a tie).
    • Osteotomy. This operation lies in the removal of a small fragment of a tie dice or phalange of the finger. This is also one of the frequently performed operations on the Valgus deformation of the thumb. For the first time this operation for the correction of the valgus displacement of the thumb foot was performed in 1925. Osteotomy may affect either a tie bone or a proximal phalanx of the thumb, or both of these bones, as well as a wedge-shaped bone (bone that connects with the first tie bone). The principle of osteotomy lies in the fact that the bone is discharged at the beginning, and then bone fragments are fixed in the desired position to eliminate the offset of the thumb and prevent the further development of the disease.
    • Excision of the head of the tie, in the place where it connects with the phalantea of ​​the thumb, forming a tuscane. This operation resection arthroplasty.
    • Creation of immobility in the advantage of a thumbnail arthrodes of thumb. This operation is aimed at destruction of the joint (the joint involves mobility, and immobility is created here). Arthrodez ensures stability in the joint and warns the shift of thumb.
    • Plastic PlusNef balance, that is, the replacement of the joint with synthetic implants.

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