Prevention of heart failure


  • Prevention of heart failure

  • Prevention of heart failure

    Preventive examinations at the cardiologist,
    timely and proper treatment of arterial
    Hypertension, prevention of atherosclerosis
    and other cardiovascular diseases gives considerable
    Chances of avoiding heart failure syndrome. except
    that, and this also concerns every person, it is necessary
    Avoid excessive heart loads. Heart of man
    has huge potentials: despite the fact that
    resting it on average pumped about 5 liters of blood
    per minute, permissible level of load for him – thirty
    Lithrov! Six times more! It would seem that «overload»
    It is simply impossible. However, we do it constantly,
    not noticing.

    For example, few people think that the load on the heart
    increase with increasing body weight. Therefore, people
    fat often pursue not only diseases
    Endocrine, but also cardiovascular
    Systems. Remember this at best
    already with a pronounced shortness of breath. But because
    Maintaining weights in the norm, moderate restrictions in food
    and mobile – tribute not so much fashion how much
    Health. Of course, you should not fall into another extreme
    and bring yourself to depletion, for the heart it is not less
    harmful. Food should be full and rational,
    contain as much natural products as possible, «alive
    Vitamins» in vegetables and fruits.

    Prevention of heart failure
    He strongly loads the cardiovascular system of excess
    salt in the body, so it is worth getting used to be slightly unacceptable
    Food. There is, however, people who eat at all without salt,
    assuring that they are quite natural taste
    Products. Do not be fully likened for them,
    With unusual, it may be hard, but limit the number
    Salts strongly recommend. Truly, better and easier
    voluntarily limit yourself in something, being healthy,
    what to follow the strictest diet during severe illness.

    Unreasonably high load on the heart and such
    Favorite all drinks like coffee and tea. Of course, I
    Here you do not need to go to stick. From one cup of coffee
    in the morning and three cups of properly brewed tea during
    there will be no harm to health, it is even useful,
    What will any specialist in nutrition confirm. But
    Before pouring a fifth cup of coffee while working
    At the computer, it is worth thinking very well.…

    In the risk group, of course, fans of alcoholic beverages.
    May argue: French scientists, they say, have long been proven
    The beneficial effect of red wine on cardiovascular
    System. Everything is correct, but small refinements are needed.
    It is about natural grape dry wine,
    And in small quantities (no more than the glass per day),
    and not at all about the pretty our heart feasts, where alcohol
    Pours river. About the harm of smoking is negotiated so much,
    what do not want to go back to it. There are no
    exceptions and no excuses: smoking destructive
    for heart.

    Beach of modern man – sedentary lifestyle.
    Will seem strange – what overload heart can
    be for? There is nothing strange in this. Our
    Cardiovascular system is programmed by nature
    to work in high exercise. AND,
    Certainly, «Host» Heart work also leads to her failures.
    So physical activity (better outdoors)
    – not luxury, but a means of strengthening the heart muscle,
    Prevention of heart attacks, and with them and prevention
    heart failure.

    Of course, in our time it is impossible not to take into account such
    Devil for heart Factor as constant stress.
    The fact is that under voltage or danger
    The heart begins to work more intense, and when a person
    calm down, heartbeat also comes back. Constant
    same stress – it's nothing but the constant work of the heart
    «In fire mode», in the literal sense of the word, to wear.
    Therefore, such human qualities as cheerfulness,
    Love for life, yourself and people, the ability to see positive
    moments in any situation now become not just
    a sign of a happy person, and also prevention
    heart failure, and a sign of a person with healthy

    Of the foregoing, simple conclusion is made: the best
    Prevention of heart failure, as well as most
    Cardiovascular diseases,
    It serves that long ago is known to everyone called «healthy
    Lifestyle». Proper nutrition, Fresh air, lack
    Harmful habits, physical activity, stability
    to stress, self-confidence and bright attitude to
    peace – that's what the heart does healthy and strong.

    Not to be unnecessary optimistic, recall again,
    that preventive inspections of the cardiologist
    – The surest way to intercept a possible problem
    with a heart at the very beginning.

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