The most terrible complication of hypothyroidism


  • What is hypothyoid coma?
  • Diagnosis of hypothyroid coma
  • Treatment of hypothyroid coma

  • What is hypothyoid coma?

    Hypotiroid Coma – This is the extreme development of hypothyrose. It is a life-threatening complication of hypothyrose. In the hypothyroid coma, a pronounced decrease in the production of thyroid hormones (thyroxin, triiodothyronine).

    The launching mechanism is the reduction of the adaptive capabilities of the body when exposed to adverse or stressful situations. At the same time, due to insufficiency of thyroid hormones, carbohydrate, fat, protein and water-salt exchanges are disturbed, oxygen starvation of fabrics occurs, disorders in the blood circulation system.The most terrible complication of hypothyroidism

    The causes of the occurrence of the hypothiroid coma can be:

    • supercooling
    • Physical injury
    • Mental stress
    • Acute infectious diseases
    • Surgical interventions
    • poisoning
    • Anesthesia
    • Appointment of sleeping and antidepressant drugs against the background of the hypothiroid state.

    With these situations there are an increased need for hormones of the thyroid gland, which cannot be replenished due to the reduction of its function and develops acute insufficiency of thyroid hormones.

    The state of the hypothiroid coma is usually developing gradually. At the beginning there may be drowsiness, weakness. A small decrease in body temperature can be detected. Skin dry, but the skin of the edema. There is a slowdown in speech, the feeling of porridge in the mouth when talking. Arterial pressure decreases.

    With the further flow of the process, the body temperature is reduced to 35 degrees and below, the heart rate is agreed to 30 beats per minute. Arterial pressure drops to critical numbers. Becomes rare and superficial breathing. From the gastrointestinal tract, a meteorism, abdominal pain, constipation, abdominal bloom. Due to the reduction of blood pressure and reduce heart emissions, the kidney function decreases and the amount of urine allocated to its complete disappearance is reduced.

    Diagnosis of hypothyroid coma

    The diagnosis of the hypothiroid coma is determined on the basis of the increase in the symptoms of the hypothyrose after transferred stress for the body of the situation, a decrease in body temperature, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, drowsiness, confusion, inhibition and loss of consciousness. In the blood is determined by the low concentration of thyroid hormones.

    Treatment of hypothyroid coma

    Treatment is carried out under the conditions of resuscitation department of hospital hospitals. Synthetic thyroid hormones are administered intravenously (levothierodinin) or inside through the gastric probe, iodine preparations.

    Synthetic adrenal cortex hormones are prescribed (hydrocortisone, prednisone). Sometimes you have to resort to artificial lung ventilation. Emergency measures are carried out on the normalization of blood pressure, heart rate, the amount of urine released, body temperature.

    The forecast of the state depends on the timeliness of the treatment, on the age of patients and the presence of concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, central nervous system. In the absence of treatment of mortality in the hypothyroid coma is very high. With a timely prescribed treatment, 70-80% of patients recover.

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