What is Lyme Disease


    Tick-borne borreliosis, or Lyme disease - infectious disease transmitted by ticks.

    The pathogen Burreliosis

    What is Lyme DiseaseLyme disease pathogen is one of Borrelia Burgdorferi (Borrelia Burgdorferi), from the SPIROCHETACEAE family. This is the only form of borrelia, dangerous for a person and widespread in a moderate climatic belt.

    In Russia, infected with Lyme disease, after the bite of a tick in the forests of the Leningrad, Tverskaya, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Kaliningrad, Perm, Tyumen regions. In the Urals, in Western Siberia and the Far East, borroeliosis bears are found in pastures. Depending on the season, the probability of the disease after the tick bitter varies from 5 to 90%.

    As the infection occurs

    Infection occurs when a bite infected tick. Borrelia with saliva tick fall into the skin and multiplied for several days, after which they spread to other areas of the skin and internal organs (heart, brain, joints, etc.). Borrelia for a long time (years) can be maintained in the human body, determining the deferred principle of the disease, chronic course of illness or repayment of Borelliosis after the apparent recovery.

    How the disease begins

    From the bite to the emergence of the first symptoms, it takes from 2 to 30 days, on average - 2 weeks. A characteristic sign of the start of the disease in 70% of cases is to redness of the skin at the site of the bite. The red stain gradually increases, reaching 1-10 cm in diameter, sometimes up to 60 cm and more. Form stain round or oval, less frequent wrong. The outer edge of the inflamed skin is more red, slightly towers above the skin level.

    Over time, the central part of the spot is pale or acquires a blue shade, a rings shape is created. In the place of the bite of a tick, in the center of the spot, you can first see a crust, then the wound is chuck. The stain without treatment is saved 2-3 weeks, then disappears. After 1-1.5 months, signs of damage to the nervous system, heart or joints are developing.

    Recognize disease

    Great luck should be the establishment of a diagnosis of Lyme disease at the stage of skin manifestations. Unfortunately, the disease is often able to suspect very late when defeat internal organs manifested themselves. Burreliosis diagnosis can be confirmed using a special blood test. Such studies are conducted in specialized laboratories in infectious hospitals.

    Where they are treated by borreliosis

    What is Lyme DiseaseThe treatment of Lyme disease is carried out in an infectious hospital, where, first of all, therapy is carried out, aimed at the destruction of borlin. Without such treatment, the disease progresses, goes into a chronic course, and in some cases leads to disability. Overrageous are under medical supervision for 2 years and are examined after 3, 6, 12 months and after 2 years.

    When bite, the tick the next day should be in an infectious hospital with a remote tick for its research for the presence of borrelia. In order to prevent the Lyme disease after bite, the infected tick is recommended to receive doxycycline for 1 tablet (0.1 g) 2 times a day for 5 days (children under 12 are not appointed). However, before taking an antibiotic, consult with a doctor - the drug has contraindications! In Moscow, at the Ramna Rheumatology Institute, a special group for the study of Lyme disease.

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