With clouding of the cornea (lover) in some cases, you can cope with the help of folk remedies, in some - the operation helps. But it also happens that completely to return the lost vision caused by the cloud of cornea, alas, it is not possible. But even in such situations, it is still possible to do something ..
Belmo: how it happens
Lee belm is curable

Belmo is the clouding of the cornea that prevents the passage of light rays. Note that even the doctors distinguished Belmo and inner Belmo, t. E. cataract representing the complete closet of lens, individual parts or, finally, one of the surfaces of the bag in which it is concluded. Currently, Belm is called only spots of horny shell.
As a rule, the spots of the horny shell are a consequence of inflammatory diseases. These stains differ in size, color, form and degree of turbidity. Figing forms are as follows: Cloud, stain and scar after transferred cornea ulcers.
If the degree of clouding is high, and, consequently, Lamo is opaque, but its value is small, then such a Belmo only makes visible items less bright, while the discrepancy of their outlines is not violated.
If Belmo takes the entire surface of the pupil, then the visibility of objects is reduced so much that the person remains only the light feeling.
In case Belmo is located in the center of the pupil, then the patient is better sees in a weakly lit room, while with an opaque spot, located along the edges of the pupil, the best conditions for visibility will create brightly lit rooms.
Belmo is curable, however, in the launched cases, the forecast may be unfavorable. The less the duration of the disease, the greater the chances of full cure.
Surgical treatment methods, such as stain cutting, are unsafe. Therefore, solutions to carry out such operations are taken with caution, assigning them in cases of surface spots caused by deposition of salts - limestone or lead.
Hope to complete recovery gives an operation called iridectomy. This operation involves the formation of an artificial pupil.
In addition, in the treatment of Luma, tattoo. This procedure is not only cosmetic. In addition, it makes Belmo less noticeable, the tattoo makes the stain more transparent.
Inoperative treatment methods include wallopheic glasses, as well as drugs that activate metabolism in
Horny shell.
It should be remembered that only a qualified doctor will help to evaluate the chances of the patient for recovery when choosing one or another method of treatment.