For what signs you can recognize the starting cataract in time, which changes in view, and what happens with the auditorium in the process of its development.

The most common
from all eye diseases that occurs, as a rule, after sixty
Years, cataracts are considered to be, or clouding. More ancient
Eldlacians were familiar with the manifestations of the disease, giving him
title that translated as «waterfall». It corresponds to the symptoms of illness,
when the quality of view deteriorates to such a state that the patient seems to
He stands inside the waterfall and looks at the world through water flows.
The identification of cataracts of the eye will allow control of the development of the disease and on time
start treatment without allowing the worst outcome - blindness. To better understand with
what the disease begins and what symptoms it shows itself, remember
The device of our visual system.
Changing eye lens when cataract
Under Katarakte
There are irreversible changes in the tissues of the eye, which is manifested by various
Symptomatics. I understood the mechanism of these changes, you can easily suspect
the beginning of the disease and take action on time.
The device of our visual system is similar to the camera. The role of lenses through which flow
Light, play cornea and lens. It is located between the vitreous body and
Determining the color of our eye iris, in the heart of the eyeball.
Refracting, seen image «Printed» on the retina and when
The visual nerves in the brain is transmitted to the signal, we see this picture.
While we are young, the lens is transparent, plastic and moved. Thanks to this, we
We can quickly translate a look from one object to another, regardless of distance
between them and eye remoteness. Lens grows and updated throughout
Our life, protecting the vitreous body from various microbes. This process
It happens until for various reasons begin to change the composition
substances included in its structure: changes the percentage of water content, k, sa,
Oxygen, vitamin C and others. This changes the processes of metabolism, which affects
on the transparency of the lens, causing gradual clouds that, in his
queue leads to loss of vision.
Symptoms of cataracts Eyes
As soon as irreversible processes begin to occur in the lens, it loses its
transparency and begins to gradually curly, becoming white, gray sometimes with
Yellowish tint. In this regard, whites and pupil. Symptoms of cataracts Eyes
depend on the localization and the degree of turbidity of the lens. The more affected
area, the worse vision. It happens that the disease begins with the periphery, and
On the ability to see it does not affect. Can not know that the beginning
Diseases should be until the first signs are manifest. Cataract has a tendency
to continuous development, and if it does not start the treatment process in time, you can
Lose vision finally.
Problems occur when our natural «lens» (lens) can not fully transfer the correct and clear image. Over time, the condition worsens so,
that the patient can distinguish only light and active movements. If the center is muttered
lens, then a patient with bright light begins to see worse because the pupil
narrows, refracting light through the center. And in the darkness pupil, expanding, gives
Ability to refraart part of the image through peripheral lens,
which are still transparent.
One of the first signs of the eye cataracts are:
- Appearance «Grid» before your eyes;
- amplifying myopia;
- dizziness;
- deterioration «Night»
vision; - Feeling appearance
glare, outbreaks, amplified at night; - Pellena or fog before eyes;
- flashing strokes, strips, stains;
- sharp sensitivity to bright light;
- problems with reading fine fonts, sewing, work with small objects;
- split the image (especially explicitly manifests itself if you close a healthy eye);
- distortion of vision of objects, the appearance of rainbow glows around them, halois;
- Weak flower perception.
Externally, in addition to changing the color of the pupil, the eye is not subject to any metamorphosis. Peculiarity
Cataract symptoms in that, regardless of the cause, it caused, and the species,
Clinical manifestations of her identical. Rarely, but it happens that the process proceeds
rapidly sharply increasing the lens in size. Headaches appear,
Increased intraocular pressure. Similar symptoms can manifest
launched stage of the disease.
Suspecting a cataract, the symptoms of which you have discovered, it is better to turn to an ophthalmologist who will put the final diagnosis. If he confirms the turquoratory process
lens, then urgent operation is necessary — This is the only way that
can return vision by producing a crystal replacement with an artificial implant.