Long Countries Manyate Elegant Beach and Unforgettable Impressions. What sea choose? First of all, it is important to decide on the climatic zone, the rest time and take into account the problems in the body.
Sea, sea, azure water, beaches, sand, gentle sun, high blue sky, luxury palm trees... Holidays on the sea coast has always been maniling in the middle strip. True, previously there were few options, the ordinary compatriot had to choose mainly between the Cold Baltic, and the Black Sea coast of Crimea and the Caucasus. Today, the whole world will open in front of us and tourist trips to distant countries have become commonplace for most Russians. Where to go to relax in the summer? Some manitis of the Mediterranean, other Adriatic, the Third Mile Red or Dead Sea and are advised, share the pleasant, unforgettable impressions of the weather and nature of your favorite resorts. How not to make a mistake with the choice and choose exactly the place that will most suit your personal wishes and health? After all, it is no secret that high temperature and humidity of air, solar radiation, the features of the composition of sea water, the active movement of air masses and other extreme natural factors can not only spoil the impression of rest, but also strongly affect the well-being.
To the sea for health!
The best holiday at the sea is the one who gives positive emotions, has a beneficial effect on health, allows you to recover after a long winter and hard work. Therefore, before buying trips, it is necessary to soberly assess not only the possibilities of your wallet, but also how quickly your body is able to adapt to new conditions, and is able to transfer the effect of climatic factors of the selected resort.
- Duration of rest. It is believed that to adapt to new climatic conditions, a healthy body is required about 3-4 days. If you have chosen to rest hot Egypt or Morocco Do not be surprised that in the first days you can feel no matter. The heat leads to the expansion of surface blood vessels, tachycardia, rapid breathing, falling blood pressure, so weakness, headaches will be quite explained. Following 5 days, everything will come back and only then your stay by the sea will become a full-fledged rest and treatment. By the sea you will have the strength, strengthen the immune system, put in order nerves, warm-seaman and other systems, but this is only if the duration of your stay in the resort will be at least 2-3 weeks. Otherwise, when returning a week later, repeated adaptation will reduce all the positive points of the resort sector.
Climatic zone. It is clear that an absolutely healthy person on the shoulder and the Arctic cold, and the equatorial heat, but there are absolutely healthy people among us. Doctors recommend reckoning with the problems of their body and do not risk at least considering the adaptive capabilities of the cardiovascular system. Climate change can cause exacerbation of diseases, so if the summer vacation is short, it is better to relax in its climatic belt or prefer the Baltic resorts. For example, in June on the coast of Latvia, Estonia and Poland, the average air temperature is 25-30 °C, water warms up to 18-20 °WITH. Pine forests and air saturated with phytoncides are favorable for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, bronchopulmonary pathology and undergoing rehabilitation after the treatment of oncological diseases. Black Sea and Chernomaric resorts for people of patients and poorly enduring heat are recommended only in the autumn-winter period. But the Sea of Azov and the Caucasus differ slightly, here at the beginning of the summer the temperature is lower and adapted to it much easier.
- Rest for people with health problems. For sick people, tropical countries are not suitable with their too hot and wet climate, often provoking shortness of breath, arrhythmia, asthmatic seizures, aggravation of the stomach ulcers and duodenum. Even the best holiday on the sea in Turkey and Greece can end with cold, intestinal disorders, allergic diseases. According to statistics, this happens with each seventh adult resting.
In general, residents of the middle band are preferable to rest on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the North Mediterranean coast, on the Adriatic Sea. Optimal time for combining rest with treatment at sea are May, June, September, October. Now about where to go, if there are specific diseases. Hypertensive shows mountain and sea climate, moderate temperatures, calm atmosphere. People with chronic inflammatory nasophary diseases are useful to wash the nose and rinsing of the throat of sea water. The state of asthmatics and patients with chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis is improved in the conditions of marine climate, mountain air and phytoncides, isolated by coniferous plants, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the respiratory tract. For diseases of the digestive system, kidneys, metabolic disorders are better to go there, where there are natural mineral springs. In the presence of the pituitary gland hypofunction, as a whole, the sea air is saturated with iodine.
In other words, wondering where to go to the sea, it is important to consider, first of all, factors that can affect health, and the choice of the country, the hotel — This is a secondary question. It all depends on your cultural interests, the thickness of the wallet and the view of the rest, which you taste.