In the old days, the loud belching was a sign of respect for the owner of the house, putting a noble treat, but in the modern world, the belching is considered indecent. What to do those who have this frequent problem? We offer several recommendations that will best comply with the rules of decency.

While you are living food and inhabit the liquid, the air naturally penetrates your mouth and when swallowing, imperceptibly slipping into the esophagus. After that, two options are possible. The air either goes on in the stomach, or delayed in the lower esophagus, waiting for the receipt of the next portion. Then, like bubbles of boiling water, the air suddenly rushes in the opposite direction to the throat and comes out of the mouth - sometimes with a kind of sound.
It can be felt that the stomach is filled with air, but at the same time it is not necessary to exemplary. But if someone swallows the air and it accumulates in the esophagus, then the probability of belching is very large.
Apparently, the ingestion of the air is the most common cause of belching.
Food allergies and increased sensitivity to milk can also cause exhaust with insufficient acid secretion in the stomach.
Like heartbuilding, belching is associated with the falling content of the stomach in the esophagus - a narrow passage connecting the oral cavity with the stomach. Even throwing a small portion of writing or acid from the stomach so that they immediately become in the throat.
In people who suffer from belching, there is a periodic relaxation of the sphincter of the lower esophageal - valve, blocking the passage between the stomach and the esophagus. This valve is designed to pass food. In normal condition it should remain closed during the digestive process. However, when it opens, the contents of the stomach can penetrate the esophagus or even in the oral cavity. Sometimes under the action of this mixture of sour taste, people have phenomena, called belching. Sometimes it is enough to be in a crushed, cramped position or just eat tightly to appear belching.
Belching happens with each, but some people have more often than others. Sometimes it happens so often that the heartburn appears.
The disease known as the Senker diverticulus can also cause belching with an acidic contents of the stomach after the preceding meals. In the case of the diverticula of the meter food does not fall right in the stomach, part of it is delayed in the pocket of the esophagus. If after eating you send for some time, then the pocket can empty and part of the write will move backwards. Food thus never fully reaches the stomach, she gets stuck in this pocket.
Try to slow down the air less. Despite the fact that there is no evidence that the kneading food with a closed mouth can suspend the belch, all the same, slow and thorough chewing write helps. It also contributes to the best digestion and reduce the formation of gases in the stomach.
Calm nerves. Some people in the nervous state begin to sort out or tapping. Some literally begin to beat the air when they dry into their mouths and sip. Try to find another way out of your nervous tension. Stand up. Cut and disperse, having crashed around the house.
Refuse carbonated drinks. An undesirable consequence of drinking drinks with soda is the enhanced formation of gas that is looking for a way out. If you do not want to suffer because of belching for a long time after meals for dinner, you should be more careful for some drinks. It is better to stop your choice on those that do not contain carbon dioxide.
Get rid of chewing gum. Chewing gum contributes to the accumulation of saliva, which then swallows along with air.
Drink water from a glass or cup. When people drink drinks through the straw or water from fountains, then more air is mixed with water.
Limit the use of air products. Whipped products such as milk cocktails and souffle usually contain a significant amount of air, thereby increasing the risk of extinguishing.
Exclude some products from our diet. If none of the listed techniques helps you get rid of belching, it is possible that the reason for it lies in food allergies or milk intolerance. If you try to exclude some products from your diet, you can make clarity in this question. Most often belching is connected with products such as milk, eggs, wheat, corn, soy, nuts, citrus, coca-cola and chocolate.
If you stop the use of milk for several days, for example, you will then disappear exhaust, consider that the source is found. But for complete confidence, try to add a little milk again. If the belching resumes, then you should search for another source of calcium.
Perform a test. If you reviewed all the reasons for your belching and did not find a response, ask your doctor to check the level of stomach acidity. Excess Acid leads to an ulcer. Insufficient acid slows down the process of digestion, causing belching.
Add a little acid. If you have a reduced stomach acidity, you may need to add a little acid at the beginning of meals, such as tablets with hydrochloric acid.
Try not to lie after meals. Very seductively nice after a tasty lunch. However, you risk calling a belch, falling down on the back, if you so so I want to sleep after dinner, do it sitting in a comfortable chair so that the torso is in a somewhat raised position. But it will be much better if you do something, for example, go for a walk. Thus, the likelihood of the contents of the stomach in the esophagus will decrease. Since the appearance of belching is associated with the same reasons as the heartburn, the same drugs helps to get rid of it.
Show your doctor. If none of the funds intended to eliminate heartburn does not help and you continue to disturb the belching, your doctor can perform an esophagus survey. In case of detection of the diverticula of the Zenker, it is possible to correct the situation using surgical intervention.