Your baby grows not by day, but by the hour. And now, the time comes when it is necessary to enter crumbs grain. Alas, some mothers are waiting «surprise»: Their Chad is celiac disease, you mean the intolerance to the glyhadin, which is part of wheat and rye. What to do? - Of course, helping the child. But how, you will learn from this article.
Almost always diagnosed «Tseliacia», who puts the child becomes a complete surprise for his parents. And it is quite explained. After all, this disease is found, most often, only when the cereal is introduced into the kid's diet.
So what is a celiac disease?
Colecia - the intolerance to the glyhadin (part of the gluten of wheat and rye). This disease is sometimes evolving after administration to the diet of the baby cereals.
Important! Since with celiachood we are talking about defective nutrition, the child has a tendency to fragility of bones: the skeleton is not allowed calcium. In many cases, a child can appear cramps and bleed skin.
Celiac disease - impairment of the part of the products in the small intestine due to damage to its mucous. This disease usually begins gradually in the second-third year of life. Since, with this disease, food too quickly passes into the intestines, not soying to absorb, the use of nutrients is limited, the child stops growing and slightly. Due to changes in the intestine in the body there is a lack of enzymes, proteins, vitamins and iron.
Only timely transition to a diet and a complete exception to the diets and food products from wheat, rye, oats and barley will avoid chronic digestive disorders. Helping a child with celiac disease, using:
Special foods,
- Natural remedies,
- Home Methods,
- Experience of the doctor.
As for food products, there are special products without gliadin, which can be given to a child in accordance with the instructions of the doctor. Perhaps he will have to stick to this diet all life.
However, in a few years, consulting with the doctor, it will be possible to give him some products from grain crops. If the symptoms of celiac disease appear again, this experiment will need to immediately stop.
Natural tools that helps with celiac disease include, in particular, dosage tea from blueberries.
Prepare it simple. Fill 5 teaspoons of dry blueberries 500 ml of cold water, bring to a boil and let it get into the slow heat of 10 minutes. Straight. The child should drink three cups a day.
Celiac disease requires especially care. After all, because of the thin and Malokrovia, in children, patients with celiac disease, increased the need for warmth. Put the baby in the bedding (it should not be too hot, so that the child does not dive!). And make sure that it is warm enough to dressed during the day.
It is very important to make the correct diagnosis as early as possible. At the first symptoms of celiac disease immediately show the child to the doctor. The doctor must carefully monitor the change of the state of the kid.