Vampires are fashionable. About them write books and shoot movies. In them, vampires look beautiful and mysterious. It is unlikely that anyone knows that legends have a real basis - a disease of porphyria. Let's see what "real" vampires.
Vampirism — Modern subculture uniting youth, which considers himself vampires. It is mostly limited to the study of vampire themes in the art and imitation of the appearance of favorite characters, young people are unlikely to think about the history of the origin of vampire images.
Cases «unscientific» Vampirism
Movement «Vampirism» originated in 1970 thanks to fans of the creativity of Ann Rice, the author of the famous novel «Interview with a Vampire». However, the vampire themes are rooted in the distant past and reflected in the folklore of many nations.
The image of the vampire in art was developed for years, but brighter is reflected in the published in 1897. Gothic novel of the Irish writer Bram Stoker «Dracula», Subsequent works are obliged to their existence of this immortal creation.
What are the literary signs of vampirism?
Most often, vampires are depicted as intelligent, elegant, mysterious and sexual parties, leading closed lifestyle.
Blood is needed to maintain metabolism and do not die. According to legends:
- Vampires are afraid of sunlight, protected by dark clothing, overlook only under the cover of the night and return to dawn;
- Daylight kills a vampire and reduces his strength;
- They avoid dinners and dinners, they are alien to human food;
- They are pale, skin thin and wounded, cold to the touch;
- Constant sign of vampirism — fangs and touched by purple gums;
- The vampire's eyes are surrounded by a haze of fluffy eyelashes, proteins are reddish, and pupils are clouded;
- It is characterized by anxiety, crimsibility, aggressiveness, fall into fury at the moment of acute blood desire, can turn into monsters in the physical and psychological sense.
Vampirism as a disease of porphyry
Do not own knowledge in the field of medicine, drawing inspiration in the Irish myths about vampires, in the legends of the peoples of Transylvania, the historical descriptions of the life of Vlad Charechean, Dracula's diversity, Stocker, who does not know, described the suffering seriously sick porphyria of man.
Porphyria, otherwise — Purple disease, a group of diseases associated with violation of the exchange of porphyrin, bright red pigment. The basis of the pathology is the violation of the synthesis of the heme — Porphyrin compounds with iron, the basis of human blood erythrocytes. A failure in the treatment system of the heme leads to anemia, accumulating in the body of intermediate exchange products that have toxic effects on organs and systems that determine typical symptoms «Vampire» Diseases.
The reasons for the development of porphyry lie at the genetic level, The disease is inherited. The probability of transmission of the Porphyry gene is pretty high, patient parent «gives» Defective gene gene in 50% of cases, regardless of gender, but only in 20% of cases the clinical picture of the disease is unfolding. For his manifestation it is necessary provoking factors: some drugs, infections, hormonal rearrangements, specific food and alcohol — No wonder mythical vampires awaited human feasures.
Symptoms of porphyry
Cases of vampirism as illness more often meet among men and manifest themselves in the spring months. A typical sign of porphyry is Urine Krasno—Brown color, What is due to the presence of a non-oxidized porphyrinogen, turning into light into the magenta porphyrin.
Acute Porphyria Manifested by strong pain in the abdomen, lower back, in limbs, tachycardia, an increase in blood pressure, vomiting, muscle weakness, psychomotor excitation, hallucinations, nonsense, epileptiform seizures and other symptoms developing as a result of acute body poisoning, formed by products of the exchange of porphyrin and diffuse peripheral damage and central nervous system.
Porphyry has very typical external manifestations.
Photosensibilization or increased sensitivity to light manifested Dermatosis, resembling a burn disease. On the pale thinned skin of open parts of the body, pigmentation appears, bubbles that are quickly revealed and exposed erosion and ulcers, in the place of which pink-bluish scars are formed, erosion leaves pigmentation.
- For porphyry characteristic hypertrichosis and hair darkening, gorgeous bundlebards, thick fluffy eyelashes and eyebrows.
- Scar skin changes In the area of the ears, the nose, the abnormal arcs, fingers lead to distortion of the features of the face and deformation of the brushes. Microches appear on the side surfaces of the temples — The effects of healing of small erosions resembling white acne.
- Under the action of light change, thicken, deform and Nails are destroyed, Sclerosed nail bed.
- Porphyria patients can be seen typical Eye changes: Red sclera, conjunctivitis, cornea clouds, optic nerve pigmentation and other dystrophic processes.
- Porphyria often leads to Change gums and lips. Erosive Haylitis manifests itself redness, pigmentation, swelling and bleeding of red bang. Atrophy of the mucosa gum leads to the exposure of the necks of the teeth and the visual effect of increasing the fangs.
- The surface of the teeth and the gums on which the sunlight falls, acquires Reddish tint, sometimes becomes dark red.
- Late signs of porphyry is Defeat of the cardiovascular system, liver and other internal organs. Irreversible changes often lead to death, mortality with sharp attacks of porphyry is about 20%.
You can imagine the reaction of people in the Middle Ages when they faced patients with porphyria. A similar spectacle left a mark in the memory, imprinted in the legends, turned out to be mythical details.
Porphyry severe disease is treated mainly by gem infusion. Advanced symptomatic means, plasmferres, blood is necessary for patients in order to cope with intoxication and just live.