Candidiasis, or how to cope with the thrush


  • Yeast, yes not those
  • Men's and female thrush
  • Trust your doctor, not advertising

    Candidiasis, or how to cope with the thrushMost women consider milk-free phenomenon, and such an advertisement as it would even relieve us from the need to go to the doctor. Thrush, or rather, candidiasis is really not dangerous illness, if not engaged in self-medication. Remember that candidiasis is a disease, it must be treated, and to be treated only under the supervision of a gynecologist or a urologist.

    Yeast, yes not those

    At the beginning I would like to dispel myth that thrush - the disease is exceptional female, and the men do not ill. It is not true. Men are also subject to candidiasis. And this is an explanation.

    In contrast to venereal diseases, the milkness causes non-infectious bacteria, and yeast-like fungi. These fungi live in our body from the very moment of appearance. Finding on the skin of a newborn at the time of his passing by the generic paths of the mother, fungi will soon settle all over the body: they live on the skin and nails, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, intestines, respiratory and generic paths and even in the internal organs of a healthy person.

    Like some other fungi in our body, mushrooms causing milbs are under the control of the immune system. And it is only our immunity to loosen after experienced stress, diseases and t.NS., how these fungi satisfy «riot» in our body. One of the main reasons for the appearance of thrush is a banal decrease in immunity.

    Men's and female thrush

    Men are less susceptible to a militant mushroom. Therefore, during the thrush, men are used, usually local treatment. And, as a rule, these measures in the treatment of male thrush happens enough. However, in cases where the disease has been developing for a long time, and appeal to the doctor has happened quite late, antifungal drugs are prescribed to the patient. However, it should be borne in mind that only the lack of hidden infections and chronic diseases can guarantee a man full cure from such trouble as candidiasis. And this will help to figure out only the urologist.

    In women, candidiasis arises not as an example more. And symptoms and the treatment of thrushs they have much more serious than in men. Most women are not aware of the vaginal shape of the candidiasis. And the first symptom of this form of the thrush is usually becoming a sharp, fast growing and becoming almost constant itching in the crotch and vagina. Nature awarded a woman a particularly large number of nerve endings in this part of the body, so the vaginal candidiasis is the most intolerable and delivers the greatest number of problems.

    Most often, the thrush is found in women in the range from 20 to 45 years. Often the milk and the infectious diseases of the genital organs and the urinary system are accompanied. In addition, according to statistics, patients with candidiasis are larger in the group of women prone to diabetes.

    Trust your doctor, not advertising

    Itching is only the first symptom of thrush. After the appearance of a terrible itch, a white bloom appears on the mucous membrane of the vagina and grayish «Curl» discharge. But due to the fact that the strong itching calls for enhanced hygiene measures, the discharge peculiar in the thrush, you can and not notice. Only a gynecologist can evaluate the overall picture of the disease, so it is not necessary to diagnose yourself, only on the basis of already familiar sensations.

    Not always allocations, itching and burning - a sign of candidiasis. Exactly the same symptoms are possible with gonorly, garcenellosis, genital herpes, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, trichomonosis, chlamydia and other infections. Moreover, it is not permissible to appoint itself treatment, how do energetic ladies from television advertising.

    But even if you are absolutely sure that your thrush is not afraid and you are successfully treated and handle it yourself, it is still worth making a preventive visit to the gynecologist. After all, candidiasis is often the first sign of the serious problems of the whole organism - from reducing immunity to ovarian dysfunction, and it is much easier to treat in the early stages.

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