First aid for acute radiation disease


  • First aid for accidents on reactor installations
  • Personnel actions for accidents at industrial enterprises

  • First aid for accidents on reactor installations

    In case of accidents on experimental reactor installations, when irradiation is determined by the lightning formation of the critical mass, a powerful stream of neutrons and gamma rays, when the irradiation of the body of the victim continues the share of a second and breaks down in itself, the staff must immediately leave the reactor room. Regardless of the well-being of the victims of all those who were in this premises, it should be immediately sent to healthy or immediately to the medical unit if it is at a distance of several minutes from the crash site. With an extremely severe degree of destruction of vomiting, it may begin within a few minutes after irradiation, and it will provoke it in the car. In this regard, if the hospital is not close to the place of the accident, it is possible to translate the victims there and after the end of the primary reaction, leaving them at the time of vomiting in the cabinets of medical schools. Victims with the defeat of severely need to be placed in individual cabinets so that the type of vomiting one does not provoke it from another. After graduating from vomiting, all victims should be transported to a specialized clinic.

    Personnel actions for accidents at industrial enterprises

    First aid for acute radiation diseaseWith the explosions of nuclear and thermonuclear bombs, accidents on industrial installations with emissions of radioactive gases and aerosols, due to the emission of unstable isotopes of action, several other. First, all the staff should leave the lesion focus as soon as possible. For a sharp increase in the dose of irradiation, the excess seconds of stay in the cloud of aerosols and gases. Many isotopes of radioactive gases and aerosols have a half-life calculated by seconds, that is, they «Live», Very short time. This is explained, it would seem that there would be a strange fact of a completely different degree of defeat among people who were in an emergency nearby, but with a small (for them often imperceptible) time difference. All staff should know that it is strictly forbidden to take any items that are in emergency room, you can not sit on anything in this room. Contact with objects heavily polluted during irradiation, will lead to local beam burns.

    With an accident, all the staff of the emergency building should immediately put on respirators, as soon as possible to take potassium iodide tablet (or drink three drops of the iodine tincture divorced in a glass of water), since the significant radiation activity is accounted for by radioactive iodine.

    After leaving the emergency room of the victims, carefully wash with soap under the shower. All their clothes are made and subjected to dosimetry control.

    Dress victims to other clothes. The question of the duration of washing and hair haircut is solved according to dosimetric control data. Everyone immediately give an adsobar. The appearance of diarrhea in the near future after the accident is associated with the reception of potassium iodide (it can really provoke diarrhea in some individuals). However, as a rule, diarrhea in the first days after irradiation from the radioactive cloud is due to the radiation lesion of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Then, after the diagnosis of acute radiation disease, treatment is assigned.

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