Bilyiary liver cirrhosis: treatment and diagnosis


Biliary cirrhosis of the liverBiliary cirrhosis of the liver arises as a result of cholestasis, that is, a decrease or complete cessation of bile intake in a 12-point intestine, while it is customary to distinguish between primary biliary cirrhosis of the liver and secondary. In the first case — This is a progressive chronic inflammatory process of an autoimmune character, affects intrahepatic bile ducts, which leads to cirrhosis. This option is manifested by general weakness, skin itch, pain in the right hypochondrium, jaundice, hepatomegaly. The disease develops mainly in women after 35 years, rarely in men is accompanied by a disruption of the selection of bile and delay in the removal of toxic products from the liver, which gradually leads to a decrease in the reserves of the organ, fibrosis and liver failure.

The causes of the disease The primary biliary cirrhosis of the liver is found not to the end, the family character of the disease is observed, therefore, one can assume hereditary predisposition. In this case, there is a systemic lesion of the glands of internal and external secretion, kidneys, vessels in combination with diabetes, thyroiditis, glomerulonephritis, vasculitis, scleroderma. Rheumatoid arthritis, systemic red lupus, dermatomyosis, sarcoidosis, celiac disease, Miastic — All these problems are in the sphere of interests of experts of gastroenterologists and rheumatologists in connection with biliary cirrhosis of the liver.

4 stages of primary biliary liver cirrhosis are distinguished:

  • Duktal — Inflammation of bile ducts in the type of non-native cholangitis;
  • Duktoolland — Reducing the total number of disabilities;
  • Stage Fibrosis Parenhima — sealing of hepatic tissue with the appearance of scar changes, partitions and infiltration of hepatic tissue;
  • Stage of Zirroz.

Symptoms of primary biliary liver cirrhosis

  • Unbearable skin itching can last for a very long time, from several months to several years, at the same time, there are descriptions of the rapid development of this symptom accompanied by weakness.
  • Damage to skin to dark brown shades, first on the back between the blades and the bending surfaces of the joints, then — throughout the body.
  • Benign education — Xantellasma in the form of towering plaques on the eyelids and the upper half of the body, possibly on the chest, buttocks, extensitive parts of the elbows and knee joints.
  • Increased spleen — Splenomegaly marks almost 50% of patients.
  • Nonspecific symptoms manifest themselves pain in the right hypochondrium, in the joints, Malgia or pain in the muscles, the lack of appetite, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, the subfebrile body temperature.

Deployed stage of the disease

General symptomsGeneral symptoms are manifested by strong pains in cirrhosis in the right hypochondrium, febrile, above 38C body temperature, lack of appetite and severe weight loss. Unbearable skin itching is accompanied by flaws of skin pigmented areas, as well as the appearance of skin sections without pigment, by type of vitiligo. Possible rash, noticeably thickening the skin on the palms and soles, thickening nails like «Shocker glass», Ends Falang Review «Drumsticks», Appear «Hepatic palm» and vascular «asterisk». Pains for cirrhosis of the liver are conjugate with the increase in liver and spleen. Portal Hypertension Syndrome is growing every day, esophageal and stomach veins are significantly expanded, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract and the appearance of ascites. There are signs of impaired suction of nutrients from the small intestine, vitamins A, D, to.

Characterized by the manifestation of systemic lesions: endocrine disorders, in women — violation of the ovarian function, in men — Eggs, reducing the function of the adrenal cortex, hypothalamus. Glomerulonephritis develops, damage to the digestive system in the form of gastritis, duodenitis, chronic pancreatitis. The terminal stage is characterized by hepatic insufficiency, the addition of hepatorenal syndrome, encephalopathy.

The forecast of the primary biliary cirrhosis since the appearance of the first signs and sensation of pain in the cirrhosis of the liver depends on the stage of the disease, the age of the patient, the level of bilirubin, serum albumin, the presence of ascites.

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