Hepatitis S


Hepatitis S
Hepatitis S — viral disease affecting the liver and
able to move into a chronic form (up to 80% of cases) representing
The greatest danger. In chronic hepatitis, there is a risk of cirrhosis
Liver or malignant tumor.

How hepatitis is passed

Frequent sources of infection

The main mechanism of transmission of the disease — Parenteral
(through blood). Infection can occur when injections with a common needle (distributed
among drug addicts), when used together with razor patients, toothbrushes and
Manicure accessories. Perhaps infection in injuries,
operations, mass vaccination and treatment of teeth in dental cabinets.
Frequent source of infection are the salons where tattoos and piercing are made.

Sexual contact and risk
infection of newborns

The risk of infection with sex contact is only 3-5%.
But in case of indiscriminate sex ties, the likelihood of getting infection
repeatedly increases. Foot infection from the patient of the mother occurs in 5%
Cases, mainly at childbirth — During the passage of generic paths. Accurate
data about infecting babies through mother's milk at the moment
There is, but just in case it is recommended to cancel breastfeeding,
Especially in the presence of violations of the integrity of the skin of the mammary glands.

Whether the transfer is possible
Infections in life?

Hepatitis C is not transmitted under everyday communication — at
Handshakes, hugs and use of common dishes. Transmission of infection in everyday life
It is possible only when the virus gets from the blood into the blood — from the carrier of infection to
infected, for example, with cuts, abrasions and other damage to the skin

Symptoms of hepatitis C

Acute hepatitis

Period from the moment of infection to clinical manifestations
May vary from 2 weeks to 1 year. In case of acute onset of the disease
The incubation period lasts 2-3 weeks and is accompanied by muscle weakness,
pain in the joints, rapid fatigue and digestion disorder.
The temperature rises rarely, the jaundice is also not a mandatory stage
when leaking the disease. Acute hepatitis C is diagnosed rarely and most often
accidentally. After the speedy acute phase, the symptoms disappear. Sometimes happens
Full recovery, but more often — In 70-80% of cases, the disease goes into
Chronic asymptomatic form.

Chronic hepatitis

For several years, damage can increase
liver cells and develop fibrosis. Liver functions are long saved and
The first symptoms of the disease — Yaustic manifestations, increase in abdominal,
rise of weakness and vascular drawing on the stomach — can manifest already when
Progressive cirrhosis.

Diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis with

Analyzes for hepatitis C and
Tool diagnostic methods

Hepatitis S
To diagnose the disease in the first place
Biochemical and general blood tests are performed. Determined level
Bilirubin, cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase, prothrombin index, alos
and asat. The presence of anti-HCV (antibodies to hepatitis C virus) is checked,
Genotyping, high-quality and quantitative PCR on HCV-RNA. Organs
The abdominal cavity is checked with ultrasound and other research methods. By
The presence of IGM class antibodies and the level of ALT are distinguished by active hepatitis from

Having on the hands of laboratory and instrumental data
Research, doctor can determine the level of development of the pathological process,
Estimate the condition and degree of damage to the liver and choose effective treatment.

Treatment of viral
hepatitis A

The treatment program of hepatitis C depends on the shape and severity
Diseases. In time, the combined antiviral therapy is usually
guarantees a favorable outcome. The effectiveness of treatment is periodically estimated
According to the testimony of biochemical blood test — to reduce alkaline activity
phosphatases, alosa and asat, as well as by the presence or absence of HSV RNA.

Hepatitis C Prevention

To avoid infection with the hepatitis C virus, follows
Staiting a number of simple rules:

  • Not to use other people's toothbrushes,
    manicure devices, razors and any other objects where
    remain blood.
  • At the reception at the dental control to
    Any potentially dangerous manipulations were performed by one-time tools.
  • Attend only proven manicure salons,
    Follow the wizard soap hands, worked in disposable gloves and used
    Disposable tools.
  • If someone from spouses is sick hepatitis,
    Sexual contacts are recommended only using condoms.
  • Avoid random sex connections.
  • With domestic communication, follow the integrity
    Cleaning, in case of damage to carry out appropriate processing.

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