Be healthy immunity


  • What is immunity?
  • Reasonable imperfection
  • First defense
  • Special cases

  • What is immunity?

    Be healthy immunity
    Some functions of the immune system are inherited – This
    congenital or nonspecific immunity. The other part comes with
    experience in the process of life and is called acquired or
    Specific immunity. Special organism cells are capable
    remember «incomprehensible» Microbial, «Hang away» against him
    «ammunition» and at the next meeting to prevent disease. For example, U
    people who have risen cute arises of life acquired
    Immunity against this disease.
    Approximately the same happens,
    When a person is vaccinated: the small doses of pathogens are introduced
    Diseases and thus force the body «Production weapons».
    At the same time, the disease does not occur, and the cells remember «Poor» Microbial.

    The obstacle for most causative agents of infections is external covers
    bodies, because through healthy skin can penetrate very small
    Number of microbes. But many pathogens are able to implement in
    organism through the nasopharynx, light, urinary system and
    gastrointestinal. The immune system begins immediately
    give them «Reford», and, thanks to her work, most infections
    proceeds briefly and practically without consequences. Which of the forms
    Immune response will be effective – Depends on the properties «attacker»
    Microorganism. Some of the pathogens of microbes, for example, viruses,
    penetrate inside host cells, others like many bacteria,
    breed in tissues and body cavities. In any case, the problem of immune
    Systems – Neutralize and destroy «enemy». Manifests such
    «struggle» Usually in the form of inflammation, increase body temperature and even
    Pain. All these signs say that a person, or rather, His
    Immunity, resist «Aggression».

    Reasonable imperfection

    Baby is somewhat different, and his immune system is still different.
    The formation of organs and cells of this system begins from the first week
    pregnancy, but by the time of birth still remains immature, almost all
    Its functions are suppressed. It exposes newborn serious danger
    The emergence of infections. It turns out that a person has already been born, but to protect
    ourselves are completely unable. «How so? – you ask. – Why
    Nature exposes a child to this risk?» Let's turn to biology,
    where everything has its meaning. It has long been known that the fruit is developing in the womb
    mother in sterile conditions, that is, in complete isolation from any
    Alien agents (bacteria, viruses and t. NS.). When baby
    born, many pathogenic microorganisms from the environment
    simultaneously «attack» on him. If the baby had formed
    Immunity, for each «Attack» It would be necessary to answer in many reactions.
    Due to the fact that the attackers of the microbes are too much, the immune system
    should strain all their strength, raise everything «troops» and could
    would be quickly exhausted.

    After leaving the sterile medium it
    would mean a catastrophe for the body. Therefore, nature is provided
    Temporary imperfection of protective mechanisms: response reactions are suppressed.
    The immune system of the child matures gradually within hours, months
    and years; In the course of life, she meets a variety of
    microorganisms learning to separate «Self» from «strangers». Some features
    Immunity reaches the norms of an adult by 12 hours after
    Birthday, others – Only years later.

    First defense

    the baby must defend themselves from microbes? For the first
    Two months of life in the body of the child are special proteins, or
    antibodies that penetrated the placenta from the mother and are able to protect
    from infections. The number and type of antibodies falling to the child depends on
    Maternal immunity. For example, if the mother moved wind oil,
    then some of this immunity can pass the newborn. If the mother
    never sick with windmill, baby will not be protected from her. This type
    immunity is called passive and means that the child's body
    Uses ready-made antibodies that have taken him from mother. Two later
    months after the birth of the child maternal antibodies start
    disintegrate, and your own baby can not yet produce. But
    Nature and here took care of babies.

    It turns out that these very
    Antibodies are in breast milk. With the highest antibodies
    Ornate colostrum, which is produced in the first days after the appearance
    Toddler on light. In addition, breast milk contains a large number
    antimicrobial substances that cover the gastrointestinal tract and
    respiratory tract and help prevent «invasion» Microorganisms
    through the mucous membrane. Special substances contained in breast
    milk, compensate for the immaturity of the immune system of the newborn and
    transmit immunity from many serious bacterial (for example,
    Pneumococcus, hemophilic stick, meningococcus) and viral (cort,
    Windshore OPE) infections. In children on breastfeeding,
    Passive immunity is preserved longer. Only from the sixth month of life in
    The body of the kid begins to produce their own antibodies, but
    Adult norm is achieved only in a few years.

    Special cases

    There are
    situations where the formation of immunity is delayed. For example,
    Moved during pregnancy infection, receiving some
    medicines in the later timing adversely affect
    Development of the immune system of the fetus: all functions are depressed deeper than
    Healthy newborns. Accordingly, more time is required for
    that the immune system of such children is ripe. Of course, special
    attention demands premature children. Their immune system has not yet managed
    enough «prepare» intrauterine, and the number of antibodies,
    who came from the mother, not as great as the docking babies.
    Accordingly, the risk to get sick in premature babies is increased. Exactly
    so they are especially important to breastfeed, and as long as possible.

    Babies from the risk group for the development of infections are under the closer
    Pediatrician observation. In addition to breastfeeding, such children need
    on time and correctly introduce lures, vaccinations are made by
    Individual graphics. Apply drugs for such
    children should also be very careful – They are necessary only when
    An occurrence of illness. With frequent infectious diseases (more than eight
    Once every year) the child can be aimed at consulting

    There are more serious problems – Congenital
    «breakdown» Immune system, or immunodeficiency states. Such
    Diseases are inherited and occur too often.
    Congenital, or primary, immunodeficiency your doctor – pediatrician – maybe
    suspect the first inspection of the baby and carrying out the most banal
    surveys and at the right time will send you to consult
    immunologist. In immunodeficiency states, as a rule, is assigned
    Extensive drug therapy and constant control of immunologist.

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