«Hollyux Valgus». - No, it's not a swearing at all. Just a scientific term to design a big finger bourrsit. We will call this ailment simply: «Sneezing». After all, one of the most common causes of this disease - wearing narrow shoes on high heels.
What is a bruss of thumb
So bursitis thumb. If you have you, joy from this little. And the reason is most likely in your shoes. Of the scarlet feet suffering from the bourssitis - women. And the most common cause of the appearance of the bourrsita of the thumb - close shoes, especially on high heels.
Burst's thumb roars - this is the wrong position of the joint, which leads to the appearance of bone protrusion at the base of the thumb on the other fingers. This protrusion makes the bone of the thumb bending to the periphery of the foot, setting it at an angle to the rest of the fingers.
Arriving friction can lead to flourishing and inflammation of the bursa (near-handing bags), where there is a liquid, washing the joint.
With pain you can handle

- Ice will help you. To reduce the tumor and inflammation, apply the ice to the patient from or 4 times a day from 15 to Z0 minutes.
- Stretch shoes. Think about contacting a shoemaker who will stretch your shoes in the big finger. As a result, shoes will not put very much on the sore finger.
- Wear comfortable shoes. Give preference to soft skin and suede, which are drawn, avoid lacquer skin and synthetics that are too hard.
- Refuse to spill. Choose shoes with a heel not higher than 6 cm and wear them no longer than a clock. If there is such an opportunity, remove shoes under the table.
- Go to sandals. . . or barefoot. Sandals are not pressured on the thumb, so we carry them when possible. And even better, go barefoot, just do not damage the skin.
- Use special insams. Special orthopedic insoles redistribute your weight and thus remove the pressure from the patient.
- Supporters will help you. Supinators remove pain when breeching the thumb not so effectively as orthopedic insoles, but they can help you too.
- Overlook the head of the lane. If your thumb is strongly deformed and hurts, try to present orthopedic Longets on it. There are two types of Longets: daytime, with which you can wear shoes, and night, which are imposed before you go to bed.
- NPP always at your service. When the near-handing bag swells and hurts, accept non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NPP), for example, ibuprofen. Instructions for receiving are indicated on the package.
- Operation - last. When the question arises about the treatment of borsitis of the thumb, surgical intervention must be considered in the latter. First of all, refer to conservative treatment methods. It is believed that the operation is shown only in cases where the thumbs of the foot hurts a very strong pain when arthritis joined Bursitis and when the joint so deformed that the thumb prevents the normal functioning of the foot.
Experts agree in one: do not resort to a surgical operation for cosmetic purposes. People often want to make an operation, because they do not like what their feet look, or because they want to wear fashionable shoes. Do not do it. Surgery can only aggravate the problem.