Do I need to spur immunity?


  • Do I need to spur immunity?
  • How to close the gate for infection

  • Do I need to spur immunity?

    Although 40% of the adult population of our country really revealed violations of the immune system, nevertheless weakness in all body, fatigue, malaise, poor mood is not always associated with a decrease in the protective capabilities of the body. It may be a manifestation of depression, chronic infection, tumors, allergies, in which, for example, immunostimulants can simply harm.

    If the immune system works, do not touch it. «It's time to save our immunology from enthusiasts, — He stated the chief allergist-immunologist of Russia, Academician Ramne Rakhim Khaitov. — All in a row recommend to strengthen the immune system to strengthen anything. It is impossible to customize it without end, it can lead to autoimmune diseases, provoke allergies. Everything should be within the physiological norm. Even in the fall, everything is not necessary to spur your immunity. If the immune system works normally, nDo I need to spur immunity?e Torn it».

    In order to find out whether you need to strengthen your immunity, there are simple criteria:

    • Frequent colds (in adults more often than 5 times a year, in children — more than 6) flowing over 2 weeks;
    • bronchitis, purulent diseases of the oral cavity and nasopharynx;
    • Long elevated subfebrile (37–37.5 degrees) temperature;
    • disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

    In the case of suspicion of suspicion relative to the weakness of your immunity, it is necessary to contact the immunologist. Why it is necessary? The reasons for the appearance of the immunodeficiency may be several, and impairment of immunity can be different.

    Need to know what you need to adjust. Immunostimulants, immunomodulators, immunocormers… Preparations for impact of immunity today have been developed a lot, so not to accept extra or unnecessary, it is better to consult.

    How to close the gate for infection

    Immunity is congenital (good given by nature to the nature of the body's protection), acquired (emerged after the suffering disease or vaccination), specific (resistance to some particular disease) and non-specific.

    How not to be configured from nature protective forces? Of course, in front of the flu season and colds, you can hurt, however — Create so-called nonspecific defense. That is, raise immunity in such a height so that the body is easy to spread with any infection that will get to get to get.

    To do this, it is necessary: ​​good nutrition, moderate physical activity (gymnastics, hiking), hardening (wet wiping, foot baths, pouring, contrast shower) — All this trains the ability to thermostat. As well as fresh air, refusal of smoking and alcohol, careful attitude to his psyche and psyche of people, you surrounding. And further… hygiene. Gate for infection: mouth, nose, leather, stomach. So swim, go to the bath, get rid of dirt on face and body.

    Avoid stressful situations. Famous business: weak stimuli training the body, but long-term stress entails the emission of special hormones that oppress the immune system. If a person is upset and depressed, he is more vulnerable to all enemies, including for all sorts of bacteria and viruses.

    Be sure to be raised. It is advisable to go to bed and get up at the same time. Overwork and lacking — The step towards the disease. Keep in mind that such immunostimulating drugs like a tincture of ginseng, Eleuterococcus, can increase pressure.

    With a non-heavy disease when it comes only to a temporary weakening of the adaptation capabilities of the body, all of the above tips can help. But serious violations of immunity can not cure any vitamins or diet. It is necessary to intervene the doctor to find out at what level the protective system has occurred and which this time already medication will help you to recover.

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