Krivoshoya in newborns

Congenital muscular pathology of the neck, which forces the newborn baby all the time to keep his head turned in one direction, is called krivoshe. The disease fixing the fixing neck of the crumbs in the same position may be acquired after birth.

And although this deviation at first does not bring pain in the child, parents need to score anxiety as soon as possible: subsequently Krivoshoy is the cause of asymmetric distortion of the face, the curvature of the spine and violations in the psyche. The neglected form of the disease is much more difficult to cure, rather than the initial.

Varieties of Krivoshai

Krivoshoye, Krivoshei Treatment, Math, Newborn, Neck

Medical practice classifies the disease for 3 forms:

  1. False Krivoshea. Despite the fact that the structure of the muscular system is not broken, the head will still be unnaturally cloning to the side. Wines all muscle hypertonus. This is the most favorable in terms of correction of the shape of Krivoshei, as it can be cured by a neurologist.
  2. Congenital Krivoshoye. It is an orthopedic violation. The disease is revealed at the moment of the birth of the child, as it is accompanied by an external defect - the severity of the neck. Congenital Krivoshe is divided into two types: muscle and bone. In the disease of muscular origin, the head of the child is tilted by the sideline and the face turned into the same direction. The reason for this type of krivoshi lies in the improper formation of sternum, clavical and mastoid muscles. The bone view of the disease occurs on the basis of the pathology of the intrauterine development of the fetal skeleton. As a result, after the child appears, the child cannot turn his head in the other side where the cervical vertebra are curved.
  3. Acquired Krivoshoye. The disease is manifested in the same way as the congenital form, with the only difference, which can detect it in a child of any age. The reasons for the development of this form of the disease are as follows:
  • improper formation of certain muscles;
  • the consequences of strong and extensive burns;
  • long keeping head in an unnatural position;
  • worsening or hearing loss / view.

Causes of deformation of the neck

Krivoshoye, Krivoshei Treatment, Math, Newborn, Neck

After the birth of the crumbs, his parents, heard about various pathologies in newborns, carefully consider the heir, trying to understand whether everything is fine with him. Unfortunately, the lack of obvious signs of illness does not yet mean that the child is absolutely healthy. The curvature of the neck on the basis of pathology in the development of the muscles becomes clear on average 2 weeks after the appearance of the kid to the light.

What signs should ack? Crumb Head during wakefulness and sleep «Watching» One way - left or right, and the blades are located at different levels, as one of them is raised. In the breast-curable-bed-like complex one of the muscles begins «dust» - decrease in size. This deformation can be forgiven: fingers stumble upon a noticeable thickening, located under the skin. By the way, from Krivoshi, newborn boys suffer several times more often than girls. And according to an inexplicable reason, the turn is prevailing and the head slope to the right side.

In the risk area, most babies who were in the womb Breast Preplay - their pediatricians look more often than the other kids. Timely detection of the problem with the subsequent proper treatment of Krivoshai is the key to complete recovery, and the disability does not even go. After 14-20 days after the birth of crumbs, the doctor, feeling his neck, can already be able to establish an anomaly of one or another muscle. As already noted, at first Krivoshoy does not deliver newborn painful discomfort. However, in later dates, the infants will be capricious and cry, if you try to put his head in a natural position, since the abnormally abbreviated muscles already makes itself felt.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out using a x-ray study: a snapshot will certainly display the deformed muscle.

Krivoshoya in newborns: ways of correction

Treatment begins, as a rule, when the child turns 2 weeks - it is during this period that Krivoshei is most often found. MyMedinform.COM lists all methods of treating the pathology of the development of cervical muscles:

    Krivoshoye, Krivoshei Treatment, Math, Newborn, Neck

  1. The most efficient «medicine» from krivoshi newborns is massage. First, it is performed by an experienced specialist, and later the Aza and the rules of therapeutic and preventive massage is mastered and the mother of the crumbs. The most important requirement for massage - regularity. Only when performing this condition can be hoped for positive results.
  2. The second after massage the most effective means of Krivoshei consider the treatment gymnastics. You can study with the baby both under the control of the pediatrician in the clinic, and independently at home. Lost here is also impossible: regular execution of simple exercises above all. Basic exercise of the gymnastic treatment complex - cautious turns of the child's head in different directions. They are performed within 7-10 minutes to 4 times a week.
  3. Not often, but still practiced swimming. Water is the best «tablet» from compassioned muscles. In the treatment of Krivoshe, an important event is the overall strengthening of the back of the child, which is allowed to achieve classes in the pool.
  4. Electrophoresis - Useful physiotherapy procedure, which contributes to a rich influx of blood to the sick muscle.
  5. The child needs to be able to understand that the position in which his head is due to Krivoshei, unnatural. The task, of course, is very difficult, but performable. To this end, parents must try to teach the baby to sleep on the bubble pillow. A more radical method of rigid fixation of the affected neck is wearing a special plaster corset in the form of a collar. The device helps stretch the abbreviated muscle and give the neck and head correct position.

If with active treatment that lasts at least 2 years, the results do not justify expectations, the doctor will suggest parents of the child to consider the possibility of a surgical operation, during which the doctors will give the wrong muscle.

By surgical intervention, the problem of krivoshi is solved only in exceptional cases, because conservative methods of treatment, as a rule, is enough for recovery.

Krivoshei Prevention

Krivoshoye, Krivoshei Treatment, Math, Newborn, Neck

Easy-free rules will help you train the neck of the baby to make problems with the muscles (and, as a result, the acquired Krivoshei) could not arise in principle.

  1. To do this, while playing with a child, put bright items and toys, then from one, then on the other side of the kid.
  2. Leaning over the crumb, talk to him, send him a song and move your body to the left and right - so you will encourage the little watching your movements and with the help of the head turn.
  3. In the crib of the child, lay the affected side of the neck to the wall. The baby will certainly be interested in sounds that are coming from the room (mother's voice, phone call, trill canary), and a small researcher will try to turn the head to the sound source who interested him, thereby training the neck.
  4. Major Massage every day. No matter what purpose you knew a crumb neck - with therapeutic or preventive - the main thing, not to be lazy and do it regularly. Only in this case will you bring the baby an undeniable benefit.

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