Allergies - the state of the increased sensitivity of a living organism, with respect to a certain substance or substances (allergens), developing during the re-exposure of these substances.

- reduced immunity;
- deterioration of the work of the allocation organs (kidneys, liver, lymphatic system, intestines);
- Nercho-humoral regulation disorders.
These reasons in the aggregate or one of them to a greater extent lead to the formation of a large number of inflammation mediator (histamine). As a result when exposed to allergen — The vessels are expanding, the liquid (swelling) is distinguished from the capillaries, it takes redness of the skin, and as a result of irritation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharmaceutical and eye, runny nose, sneezing, tearing and itching. With skin forms of allergies, redness of the skin, swelling, rash, itching, peeling or blisters arise. When annoying allergen trachea and bronchi, shortness of breath arises and spasta cough.
T. E. Allergen (for example, blossoming birch pollen) provokes an allergic reaction of the body characteristic of this patient, the essence of which is reduced to the specified mechanism.
Of all the above, it is easy to conclude: the path to salvation from allergies is not to constantly leave for the time of flowering of certain plants or carry out other events that provide a temporary effect, but to cure true reasons that and led to the development of this chronic pathology.
After all, any manifestations of allergies — this is a signal about availability «Failure» in immune, excretory or neuro-humoral systems, and «disagree» Specialists should. It was then that you can gain confidence that tomorrow «allergy» Will not begin again — Already because of something else.
After all, as often happens: your friend admires the beauty of the spring meadow, and you do not part with drops and a nasal scarf. «Why so unfair?» — Think you. «It's good that I do not have allergies» — He thinks. But no one is insured against allergies: it can begin completely suddenly and someone who has never complained about her.
According to WHO, allergies occurs at each third inhabitant of land. The most common forms of allergies — Allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, polynosis (hay fever), urticaria, neurodermatitis (or atopic dermatitis), bronchial asthma.
Allergy is year-round (constant presence of allergens — Home dust, medicines, household chemicals) and seasonal (flowering plants, cold, sun).
In homeopathic centers «Akonit Gomeomed» Since 1991, various forms of allergies in adults and children have been successfully treated. Homeopathy doctors do not enjoy all sorts of drops, antihistamine (TAVEGIL, Supratin), hormonal drugs in masses or inhalers — All these funds are capable only for a while muted the manifestations of an allergic reaction. In addition, with such a purely symptomatic treatment, the allergy itself remains without proper treatment, not to mention the fact that all listed chemicals have side effects on the body, and thereby on the immune system.
Pronounced — Stable effect B
Allergy treatment can occur only as a result of competent purposes and compiled correctly and individually, the scheme for receiving homeopathic mono drugs. Only so mono preparations can affect the reason itself (!), causing the development of a pathological response in the body and therefore can radically affect this cause.
The total number of mono preparations that can be cured by allergies completely, has more than 50,000 items. A positive result is guaranteed for homeopathic treatment only (!) the right choice of a combination of mono drugs for each particular patient, taking into account the set of very important features of its organism.
Agree, such work on the shoulder is only an experienced and practicing doctor-homeopath — It will be possible to make an optimal combination of these mono drugs for each particular case of allergies. Only such a professional approach and can lead to a complete and radical elimination of the very reason that caused allergies (we are talking about treating homeopathic mono preparations for individually composed of schemes).
Therefore, doctors centers «Akonit Gomeomed» Use the latest equipment for computer diagnostics according to the Fall method or for vegetative-resonance testing (HRD). Identification of the failure in the work of immune, excretory or neuro-humoral systems (root causes of allergies), as well as the effective treatment of related problems: pyelonephritis, urinary and bricken diseases, wrench and parasitic invasion, chronic diseases of the ENT organs (tonsillitis, angina, adenoids, hymorite ), chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma — All this is an indisputable advantage of allergy treatment in centers «Akonit Gomeomed».
The ACT method allows you to identify allergens from all major groups with accuracy, even superior method «Samples», Identify all parasites (worms, mites, bacteria, viruses) and conduct a healing procedure of bioresonance therapy (BRT).
Patients are satisfied with such an integrated approach to their health (held «treatment is not illness, but a patient»), satisfied that consultation is not limited, as usual, the list of allergens, which are almost impossible to eliminate in real life.
Homeopaths centers «Akonit Gomeomed» For 20 years of work, tens of thousands of patients with various forms of allergies were able to cure! They will certainly be able to help you or your child — You will forget about allergies forever!