Bronchial asthma and pregnancy


  • Diagnosis of bronchial asthma as a result of infection and allergies
  • Bronchial asthma and pregnancy: mutual influence
  • What medications prescribe pregnant women with bronchial asthma
  • Heavy bronchial asthma diagnosis — Contraindication for pregnancy

  • Bronchial asthma — The chronic disease that flows with the change of periods of the values ​​of the exacerbation periods, the main manifestation of which is the emergence of attacks of the suffocation caused by spasm and swelling of the bronchi, an increase in the production of bronchial mucus that impede the passage of air.

    Diagnosis of bronchial asthma as a result of infection and allergies

    Bronchial asthma and pregnancyAs a disease, bronchial asthma may have an infectious allergic and non-infectious allergic nature. In the first case, the diagnosis of bronchial asthma follows from the diagnosis of chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, sometimes the emergence of the disease provokes ARVI and inflammation of the nasopharynx, the perpetrators are conventional streptococci, pneumococci and other pathogenic microbes.

    In the non-infectious-allergic form of bronchial asthma, the doctor faces various manifestations of intolerance, for example, pollen allergies, home dust, various foods.

    Bronchial asthma and pregnancy: mutual influence

    On the appearance and course of such a disease, as a bronchial asthma affect the state of the nervous system, an emotional sphere and hormonal shifts. The dormriconal version of the disease is associated with the lack of glucocorticoids or dysfunction of ovaries. If these violations existed before pregnancy, already in the first three months after conception, the condition may worsen, especially if the bronchial asthma was aggravated with previous pregnancy. Although characteristic of pregnancy, the increase in cortisol products, prednisiolone, progesterone should contribute to the easier course of the disease, only 10% of women experience relief, in 20% there is a persistent remission, and 70% note the appearance of air shortness symptoms.

    Diagnosis of bronchial asthma as a result of infection and allergiesSunshine attacks — The main manifestation of bronchial asthma, during pregnancy they can lead to the development of severe complications: oxygen deficiency and delay in the development of the fetus. Women with a diagnosis of bronchial asthma belong to the risk group for non-obscure, the development of early and late toxicosis. In childbirth, the generic weakness develops more often, obstetric bleeding, after birth, infectious complications and hypoglactium occur. Pregnant with bronchial asthma obstetrician-gynecologists and therapist doctors, joint efforts they manage to stabilize the state, reduce the risk of developing complications during the child tooling, in the process of childbirth and after them.

    What medications prescribe pregnant women with bronchial asthma

    Bronchial asthma — Disease requiring individual therapy depending on the form of pathology. In case of infectious-allergic asthma, first of all try to stop the inflammatory process, assigning antibiotics, bronchoranty drugs, means of diluted sputum and contributing to its removal. With the atopic form of the disease, pregnant women show a special hypoallergenic diet, antiallergic preparations and bronchopholics. With an autoimmune version of asthma, glucocorticoids are used, bronchopholics, but cytostatic pregnant women are contraindicated categorically, although they are widely used if the patient has an autoimmune bronchial asthma. The doctor may appoint a woman electroson, psychotherapy, hypnosis, tranquilizers, with hormonal asthma shows the use of glucocorticoids.

    Heavy bronchial asthma diagnosis — Contraindication for pregnancy

    Bronchial asthma disease and pregnancyThe course of the disease The bronchial asthma doctors are divided into light, in which the exacerbations of the disease appear 2-3 times a year, and the attacks of the suffocation are stopped by the drugs taken inward, the medium-heavy, when the asthma is exacerbated 3-4 times a year and the attacks are removed only by injection drugs, severe — with exacerbations more than 4 times a year and the appearance of asthmatic states.

    With the easy course of bronchial asthma, pregnant is recommended to eliminate contact with allergens, passing a nonspecific desesessibilization, to beware of respiratory tract infections. The average and severe course of the disease is considered dangerous for women and the fetus, so the pregnancy is more often recognized as inexpedient.

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