Acute food poisoning in children: treatment


Acute food poisoning in children: treatment
Acute food poisoning in children — result
consumption of spoiled food, poisonous mushrooms, berries and some
Medications. Clinically, this state is manifested by abundant vomiting, diarrhea,
Dehydration. The diagnosis of poisoning is not difficult and is based on
Clinic, laboratory research and diagnostic procedures.

The sooner the treatment
Food poisoning in children, the faster the child's body will be cleared of
accumulated poisons and toxins. When signs of poisoning, it is necessary
Contact pediatrician or children's infectious background. Even if the symptoms are insignificant,
Do not try to treat the baby at home, as it can be dangerous for his life.

Treatment of food poisoning in children

When developing acute
Food poisoning in children is carried out washing the stomach and used
Cleaning belizes that help free the intestines from poisons and toxins.
Special drug preparations (enterosorbents) additionally derive from
organism harmful substances and help restore digestion.

To combat dehydration spend oral
Rehydration. Before the arrival of doctors, parents can have to easily facilitate
The well-being of the kid, ensuring it with warm water with salt, weak infusion of tea. IN
further specialists prescribe drugs containing enzymes (Mezim,
festal). An antibacterial therapy is prescribed when identifying toxicinosis.

In children with food
Poisoning mushrooms or poisonous drugs requires extracorporeal hemocorrection -
Cleansing blood from pathological impurities and poisons. In the first day after the development
Diseases are advised not to give the child to eat. Warm drinks are allowed,
Herbal beams, tea, non-carbonated mineral water.

It is advisable to refrain from meals for 12-24
hours. Heavy, fat, sharp dishes are prohibited, as they annoy the intestine
and can lead to inflammation of its walls (colitis).

Forecast for food poisoning in a child

Acute food poisoning in children: treatment
With timely treatment, acute food poisoning in children ends with recovery.
But for several weeks all the same, children must adhere to the rules
Splitting nutrition: not eating meat, spices, sauces, chocolate, marinades,
refrain from concentrated juices and carbonated drinks.

Food toxicoinfection often end with violation
The operation of the digestive system: constipation, periodic diarrhea, dysbacteriosis
intestine. Due to the actions of the toxins, the kidney work may occur and
liver. Especially dangerous to the poisoning of mushrooms. They give a high percentage
mortality in childhood. Parents must tell children about the rules
security in the forest, in kindergarten and school, about what plants, mushrooms and
Berries to eat forbidden. Prevention of poisoning is capable
Prevent ridiculous cases of children in food poisonous fungi or
Medications from home first aidft.

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