Herpes - «Sleeping» infection. Until time


  • How can I get grapes?
  • How does this disease manifest?
  • What are the complications?
  • How to diagnose herpes?
  • Is it possible to cure herpes?
  • How to avoid infection?

    Herpes - & laquo; Sleeping & raquo; infection. Until timeHow can I get grapes?

    Infection with the virus occurs not only when sex contact with patients. You can get infected with a kiss, using common dishes, towels, linen, that is, by the household. Sick herpetic infection is contagious, as a rule, only during exacerbation. The disease has a high degree of contagiousness, that is, if there was contact with a sick person, the probability of infection is very high.

    How does this disease manifest?

    The incubation period is 3-7 days. The disease begins sharply on the head of the penis and the inner sheet of the extreme flesh appear bubbles surrounded by a red border. Less often bubbles appear on the scrotum, in the crotch. Blooming, bubbles leave erosion at the place of themselves, which can merge, forming large seds of lesions in severe cases.

    Similar phenomena occur on the mucous membrane of the urethra (herpetic urethritis). Patients at the same time complain about pain, burning in urethra when urination. In the mornings, the selection of urethra is often noted, usually in the form of droplets on underwear. At the same time, the body temperature can increase, inguinal lymph nodes increase.

    Even in the absence of treatment, the symptoms of the disease usually take place alone after 1-2 weeks. However, afterwards, 75% of the infected virus recurns the disease, and the time to another relapse can range from several weeks to several years. The recurrence of the disease can be associated with the most varied causes - stress, decrease in immunity, cold, disruption, in women - with pregnancy and even with the beginning of menstruation.

    What are the complications?

    Herpetic infection itself does not cause lesions of other organs (there is no herpetic prostatitis, epididiment). But the constant chronic flow of urogenital herpes with regular exacerbations sharply reduces the general and local body immunity. As a result, saprophistic bacterial flora (staphylococcus, intestinal wand) can be activated, which will cause the development of not only bacterial urethritis, but also prostatitis, and vesiculite, and epidididium. In this case, to cure all these diseases will be extremely hard.

    How to diagnose herpes?

    The diagnosis of herpetic lesions of the urogenital organs does not represent much difficulties, since the disease manifestations are characteristic. Ureterocystoscopy is carried out, under the microscope, separated from the surface of erosions is investigated.

    Is it possible to cure herpes?

    Treatment of herpetic infection, as well as any other viral infection, is not so effective as diseases caused by bacteria. The most effective drug during herpes (both the first and second type) is the acyclovir (zovirax), which can be used inside in the form of tablets, in injections and in the form of ointments. However, this drug does not allow to completely deliver the patient from the virus, but only stops the stage of acute inflammation and avoids relapses.

    No less than antiviral drugs, immunomodulatory therapy is needed during herpetic infection. It is known that herpes virus is escalated mainly in people with reduced immunity. Therefore, if you are sick of this disease, you may need to consult a specialist in immunity - immunologist.

    How to avoid infection?

    Prevention of herpetic lesions of the urinary tract, as well as any other sexually transmitted infection lies in the following:

    • Permanent partner you trust.
    • Refusal of random sexual bonds or use of a condom. However, for herpetic infection, the condom is not always effective protection, since the virus can easily be transmitted through hands, lips and other parts of the body.
    • For the slightest suspicions of infection, refer to the urologist.
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