Treatment of tuberculosis


  • Symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment of tuberculosis
  • Hidden infection
  • Prevention of tuberculosis
  • Culture of communication

  • Treatment of tuberculosis


    Symptoms of tuberculosis are: constantly
    Increased temperature (not higher than 38c), headache, weight loss,
    absence of appetite, cough (both dry and with a mocroid, with blood in
    sputum), shortness of breath, sweating at night. Mood differences appear,
    irritability, reduced performance.

    Can manifest only
    1-2 symptom, and optional it will be cough. Therefore, when
    The appearance of one of the listed symptoms is not recommended
    to be treated independently and consult a doctor to in time
    diagnose possible tuberculosis and start it timely


    Simple Tuberculosis Check – reaction
    Mantu. 72 hours after the test, Mantu can be determined whether
    Organization tuberculosis infection. However, this method has a very
    Low accuracy.

    The study of smears under the microscope either can also be a benchmark:
    Mycobacterium tuberculosis is easy to confuse with other types of bacteria and
    Release wrong diagnosis.

    Sowing sputum often helps to diagnose tuberculosis, however
    Bacteria tuberculosis «grow up» not always, so there is here
    risk of false negative analysis.

    Most often, for the absence of the best, the usual pulmonary x-ray and inspection of the patient use for tuberculosis to examine.

    In a specialized clinic, it is possible to determine the titer of antibodies to
    Tuberculosis. This method allows you to identify the presence of immunity to
    tuberculosis and find out whether vaccination has been effective.
    Reliability – about 75%.

    The most modern method – PCR (polymerase chain reaction). This is
    DNA diagnostics, when the patient's sputum is taken on the analysis. Result
    You can find out after 3 days, accuracy – 95-100%.

    Treatment of tuberculosis

    Tuberculosis is independently impossible — With uncontrolled reception
    Drugs in Koch sticks (mycobacterium tuberculosis) develops
    Drug resistance and cure tuberculosis becomes much
    more difficult.

    Treatment of ordinary (sensitive drugs) tuberculosis takes not
    less than 6 months, and sometimes tightened to 2 years. For oppression infection
    therapy should be carried out systematically, without pause, then tuberculosis is not
    will be able to progress.

    When tuberculosis is detected, the patient is placed in the hospital where he
    spends about two months — During this time, the active
    Allocation of tuberculosis bacteria. When the patient ceases to represent
    a threat to the health of othersTreatment of tuberculosisAmbulator continues.

    Treatment of conventional tuberculosis is carried out according to a specific scheme, in it
    These drugs like isoniazide, rifampicin, pyrazinamide,
    Streptomycin and ethambutol. The doctor selects an individual combination
    preparations that the patient will have to take within 2-3
    months, treatment takes place in the hospital.

    If after this
    time treatment did not bring due effect or the effect is very weak,
    which is due to the resistance of the infection to one or another drug,
    Chemotherapy are appropriate changes. In such cases
    is replaced by one or more drugs or the way they change
    Introduction (intravenous, inhalation).

    If, on the contrary, after 2-3
    months of reception of drugs observed a positive effect, during
    The next 4 months are prescribed only isoniazide and rifampicin. By
    The end of the course of treatment of the patient again gives tests and, if the wand
    Koche will be detected, it means that tuberculosis moved to

    Treatment resistant to tuberculosis forms is delayed for years.
    Depending on how the drugs are stable bacterium
    Tuberculosis, to the main drugs (isoniazide, rifampicin) add
    So-called second-row preparations – Ofloxacin, Caprimitsin,
    ethionamide, cycloserine, PASK.

    The preparations of the second row are much more expensive than
    Conventional medicines from tuberculosis, and treatment can cost about 10
    $ 000. You can take these drugs only in the complex, otherwise it will not be

    Surgical intervention for the treatment of tuberculosis is extremely rare, because the effectiveness of this method is extremely low.

    Previously, an integral element of the treatment of tuberculosis was spa treatment. Nowadays treatment in sanatoriums
    is only an additional means of fighting the disease.

    But if
    the patient refuses hospitalization when it really
    It is necessary, the medical institution has the right through the court to send
    Patient for compulsory treatment in the anti-tuberculous clinic. This
    Practice is used everywhere for the treatment of irresponsible patientsTreatment of tuberculosis and
    Providing health nation.

    Of great importance in the cure of the disease has proper nutrition. In the diet
    The patient should include meat, fish dishes, vegetables and fruits. Alcohol
    And smoking is categorically contraindicated.

    Since the patient often loses
    Appetite for tuberculosis, it is recommended to eat products
    rich in vitamins that have the property to excite appetite: infusion
    Rosehip, Fish Fat, Prostokvash, Kefir.

    Hidden infection

    a person has a strong immunity, then after infection he is not
    Dreams immediately, but remains almost healthy, although infection
    continues to stay in the body. So can last all life and
    so never pour into tuberculosis.

    The impetus to the development of tuberculosis can serve as strong stress,
    Failure of nutrition, long-term ribs. Most people are not even
    suspect that Koch wand in their body. So try to always support your health in the norm that already
    will counteract the development of the disease.

    We can
    Soothe: An ordinary cold causes a decrease in immunity, but
    not enough to start tuberculosis. So that the wand koche
    multiply, weakening immunity should be long and combined
    With bad living conditions — poor-quality food, lack of fresh
    air, hard work in polluted rooms.

    Prevention of tuberculosis

    Tuberculosis — Poverty disease I
    Antisanitaries. To protect yourself from this disease, you need to take care of
    His immunity — strong immunity in a state independently
    defeat koche wand if she falls into the body. So that immunity could
    cope with the disease, you need to eat efficiently and diverse,
    take vitamins, walk a lot and engage in any sport.

    Leading role in the distribution of drug-resistant tuberculosis
    Prisons play. Treatment of prisoners is often carried out incorrectly either
    The patients themselves incorrectly take medicine and as a result of tuberculosis
    With multiple drug stability applies to
    Geometric progression.Treatment of tuberculosis

    Finding into the air, Koch wand preserves vitality within 10
    Days – For example, in street dust. But in the absence of sunlight
    bacteria live much longer – a few months.

    You can get infected only when inhaling the air in which there are
    Microscopically small droplets of saliva and sputum. Happen
    infection or not — It depends on how many bacteria fell into
    Lungs, the body will be able to suppress them or not.

    If for a long time
    To be in the same room with a sick danger to getting increasing
    factor of — That is why so «Flowers» Tuberculosis in prisons. The worse
    The room is ventilated, the longer the bacteria remain in the air.

    It is impossible to infect with handshake with sick on the street. BUT B
    the room where the air is almost immobile, tactile contact and
    The use of general item items increases significantly

    A person can get sick tuberculosis by eating milk from cows,
    Patients with tuberculosis. Recommended: Do not buy milk «W
    Hosts», who trade in places not intended for trade — them
    The goods are not undergoing sanitary and epidemiological control and no one
    guarantees you the safety of their products.

    Culture of communication

    If among your friends there are someone who
    sick with tuberculosis, be tolerant of it. A man probably suffers
    from the fact that everyone surrounding shakes aside, barely cough.

    Of course, we all scary with tuberculosis, but you need to remember that
    A normal conscious person will never appear in
    Society, knowing what is dangerous to others. Therefore, patients who
    Work or learn with other people, most likely, can no longer

    Very often, people even after the successful cure of the disease
    For many years they suffer from undeservedly disgusting attitude of others.

    Of course, natural dishes and fear of incanying anywhere
    hide, but if you really fell to communicate with a person who sick
    Tuberculosis, we advise you still try, find in yourself
    forces not to show your attitude to his already former disease, not
    offend him with his attitude.

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